Daretti, Scrap Savant

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Post by WizardMN » 11 months ago

I have been wanting to (re)build this deck for a while now. I had this built a long time ago and I enjoyed playing it. I like the idea of an artifact deck but including Red gives me a lot of cool Artifact matters cards to go along with it. It does introduce a little tension in the deck (such as not completely breaking the symmetry of All Is Dust) but I have similar issues with Oblivion Stone so it isn't like it is perfect in that regard.

The other thing I want to do is just generate a bunch of mana so that is why things like Gauntlet of Might and Caged Sun are here along with Candelabra of Tawnos. This hasn't panned out the greatest yet but I do have a few big things to take advantage of the excessive mana but I am always looking for more in this space.

Here is the list I have put together so far. Some of the lands really need to be swapped out for basic mountains and I haven't added a few things from the newest set yet as they weren't online when I put the list together:
Daretti, Scrap Savant

General (1)

Instants (2)

Enchantments (1)

Approximate Total Cost:

I am still working through a few things to see what I like. I really like Portal to Phyrexia and Cityscape Leveler for example but I am not sure where I land on Walking Ballista and Karn, the Great Creator. But, up until now, it has been a blast to play and I think once I can figure out a few more of the weaker spots, as well as what to put in their place, I will be in a really good spot.


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Post by WizardMN » 11 months ago

I have been testing this deck in between longer tests with my new Rakdos deck (currently helmed by Rankle and Torbran) and it has been going fairly well. I just finished a game where I was able to keep things in check using Platinum Emperion to make sure I didn't die and things like Cityscape Leveler and Spine of Ish Sah to blow up Commanders and other relevant permanents. I ended up winning via making a bunch of mana with two Gauntlet of Might (thanks to Sculpting Steel) and Walking Ballista.

This deck is in an interesting space since I am working on my Rankle and Torbran deck as well and both play in similar spaces though in completely different ways. This deck is a bit more glass cannon-y than my Rakdos deck but has far more huge board states and moments. And I am finding that one a bit more interesting so I haven't put as much effort into the deck as I probably should. But it is performing well enough for what I am trying to do.

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