Ephara - A Cornucopia of Cards

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Post by cheonice » 1 year ago

Ephara - A Cornucopia of Cards

Skittering Salt.jpg

Table of Contents

Deck Overview

Ephara, God of the Polis started out as a weird idea:
I always admired Gaka's famous Norin list, but disliked the randomness involved. But what if I could match the constant triggering with something more controlling, something blinky? And what if I could build this within a UW control shell, somehting that was missing from my portfolio of decks for years? Then a certain wurm skittered and wiggled its way into my brain. Thus, Ephara was born!

The main idea of this deck is to trigger Ephara on every player's turn to drown my opponents in card advantage. Mainly this is accomplished by cards like Saltskitter, Whitemane Lion, and Nadir Kraken. If I was playing on other player's turns, using a suite of flash creatures was the obvious idea. Tampering with Flash and ETBs lead to the inclusion of more blink enablers, with Thassa, Deep-Dwelling and Soulherder being the greatest powerhouses. Finally, Thassa and my neverending love for enchantments made the inclusion of another sub-theme an obvious choice.

Ephara needs some setup to really get going, so casting her early becomes a high priority. Once we reach the midgame she amasses so many resources that the deck becomes quite inevitable. Drawing up to 4 additional cards a turn is no joke. With all that card draw she seldom misses land drops and manages to keep on pace with green-based decks, sometimes she even outramps them. All in all, Ephara is highly interactive force with a really sticky Commandress. If she gets to the endgame, she typically dominates the table.

One of her bigger problems was closing the game, but with the last additions this became more manageable. Sometimes chip damage can be problematic, too: Even if I managed to stabilise, being on a low life total bears great danger to the beloved Goddess of the Polis. I don't have a solution to this problem atm, so any suggestions are welcome!

By now, Ephara is one of my signature decks. I really love the way she gives me something to do at every other turn. At the same time she lets me play with obscure cards like Saltskitter, Nadir Kraken, and Fleeting Spirit! This is not your stereotypical blink deck, but something greater!

The constant flickering and blinking and the logistical annoyances to mark the cards that are in exile until end of turn made me craft some cute little marker. I use the doublesided "AWOL/I'm back, suckers" counter you can see at the top to mark the cards that are absent without leave. If you don't know the great, but unfortunately discontinued webcomic Lotus Cobra is Evil, give it a look! It inspired the skittering, wiggling snake at the front of the token.

Current Decklist


Approximate Total Cost:

Deck Strategy

So, how exactly does Ephara play her game? The main goal is to keep being busy, to trigger Ephara as often as possible. With this in mind the deck dedicates quite a lot of slots creatures that can enter the battlefield on any turn or repeatedly churn out tokens on other players turns. The bread-and-buter-creatures for this strategy are Whitemane Lion, Stonecloaker, Fleeting Spirit, and Venser, Shaper Savant. Having one of them at hand, especially the Lion or the Spirit, keep the cards flowing, while providing some extras like Stonecloaker. Saltskitter and Faerie Artisans are triggered by my opponents actions. While not as good as the self-bouncing creatures, they do a great job in keeping the machine alive. Nadir Kraken, Keeper of the Accord and Sacred Mesa don't require much setup, either. The Kraken and the Mesa are excellent lategame options, too! At the moment I'm testing The Restoration of Eiganjo // Architect of Restoration, but I'm pretty sure, this won't make the cut in the long run.

Tapping into Flash and Blinking lead to the inclusion of some other engines. Thassa, Deep-Dwelling, Soulherder, and Venser, the Sojourner guarantee that a creature enters the battlefield on each of my turns thus drawing me a card in the next player's upkeep. Eldrazi Displacer does something similar, but let's me do it at any time. Ephemerate, Restoration Angel, Charming Prince, and Sword of Hearth and Home present some one- (or two-) time actions with additional value tacked onto them.

Finally, after using my hand and exile to trigger ETBs, the graveyard is the last zone I use to get my triggers. Sun Titan and Reveillark are some of my all-time favourites, which can recur most of my important cards. Emeria, the Sky Ruin is suprisingly consistent with all the plains searching and pseudo-ramping this deck is capable of. It has won me more than a few games.

With all that Blinking and Flickering the deck is in dire need of some targets. These range from old reliables like Solemn Simulacrum to some removal options (Cavalier of Dawn and Skyclave Apparition) and straight up win conditions such as Agent of Treachery or Sower of Temptation.

Finally, Ephara includes some of the finest enchantments Azorius has to offer. In fact some are so good that their presence brings us nearer to our inevitable victory. While Rhystic Study and Smothering Tithe are really great and somewhat oppressive resource producers, Thassa, Deep-Dwelling is a straight up gamewinner that needs to be handled immediately. The power of these cards (and my undying love for UW Enchantments) justifies the inclusion of Academy Rector, Enlightened Tutor, and Dance of the Manse.

The rest of the deck is filled with removal (Hour of Revelation, Swords to Plowshares), counters with upsides (Sublime Epiphany, Overcharged Amalgam), some ramp (Land Tax, Stormscape Familiar) and game-winning spells (Finale of Glory, Rite of Replication).

Early Game
As described above, Ephara needs some setup. So in the early stages of the game you want to cast her as soon as possible. In many games she should come down as early as turn three via a mana stone or Stormscape Familiar. At the same time you want to gum up the game quite a bit. This can be achieved by protecting yourself with Meekstone and Ghostly Prison or resetting the board via Vanquish the Horde or Hour of Revelation. A disruptive counterspell or removal to your opponents key creatures works wonders, too.

At the same time, you want to have something to get your engine going, a follow-up play to Ephara. This could be something small like Fleeting Spirit or maybe something to set up the next turns like Nadir Kraken.

A great hand to keep would look something like the following. It provides the means to cast Ephara early, while giving you the means to disrupt your opponents early plays. With Whitemane Lion you even get a great follow-up play and a flexible slot with Stunt Double.
This on the other hand is more questionable. The hand does not contain any ramp. While Venser is always a welcome addition and Eldrazi Displacer even provides some kind of engine, this is a very slow start. This could work, if the table lets you play your game and if you can use some politics. Otherwise this is probably a mulligan.
While Land Tax will provide the lands to get Ephara online, there is no engine here. Ephemerate would be great, if this hand contained any targets. Ghostly Prison will probably direct early attacks to other opponents, but you are in top deck mode from the beginning. Please take a mulligan.

Once you hit the mid-game Ephara really shines. At this point you should have a small engine running, netting you some cards. By now you should be able to draw 2-3 additional cards each turn cycle via Whitemane Lion or Nadir Kraken, while keeping your mana open for some instant speed interaction. By now you should hit all of your land drops easily. It is time to get your bigger engines rolling. Getting something like Thassa, Deep-Dwelling or Faerie Artisans online gives you plenty of value, while the card draw from Ephara provides you with your control pieces. Wrath the board, if necessary!

You established baord control and are still alive? Great! Not it's time to end the game. Thassa, Deep-Dwelling and Cavalier of Dawn or Agent of Treachery will get you a slow and steady victory. Getting Emeria, the Sky Ruin online works just as fine. If you prefer something more explosive, try Rite of Replication, Finale of Glory, or Dance of the Manse!
At the same time you need to have a look at your opponents. Don't be greedy, keep your counter mana open. Nothing ruins your day like a Craterhoof Behemoth with a counterspell in hand but only tapped lands, because you wanted to draw more cards...

Card Choice Discussion

The Self-bouncing Five
These are the bread-and-butter-creatures, they keep Ephara trigger-happy and let the cards flow. Bouncing a value or removal creature like Overcharged Amalgam is no joke, either.
  • Whitemane Lion - The gold standard.
  • Stonecloaker - Sometimes a bit expensive, but nontheless a great card.
  • Venser, Shaper Savant - Ephara-trigger and control tool in one flashy package. What's not to love?
  • Fleeting Spirit - The newest inclusion. He let's me trigger Ephara without any mana investment. It's nearly unkillable, too! This little spirit made me reconsider Land Tax.
  • Saltskitter - The reason this deck exists.
Token spewers
Ephara doens't care, if you are a token or if you are represented by an actual card.
  • Nadir Kraken - A force that needs to be answered. One of the best follow-ups to Ephara.
  • Keeper of the Accord - There is always some token deck at my table.
  • Faerie Artisans - Even if this needs your opponents to do something, getting a copy of their value creatures is worth a slot.
  • Sacred Mesa - Casting and protecting the pegasoi-spewing mountain of a card won me so many games. Great at triggering Ephara and drowning your opponents in flying horses.
Blink Engines
We gain so much value from creatures entering the battlefield. So let's go down that rabbit hole even further!
  • Soulherder - Soulherder and Thassa generate so much value, its not even funny. Triggering cards like Skyclave Apparition or Agent of Treachery again and again is a great way to ensure victory.
  • Thassa, Deep-Dwelling - Being an indestructible enchantment makes this really hard to interact with. Typically this is the target I search for with Academy Rector.
  • Venser, the Sojourner - Still a fun card, but in no way as strong as the other two options.
  • Eldrazi Displacer - I play a Wastes to have a searchable land to support this little guy.
  • Sword of Hearth and Home - Brobably not the best deck for a sword given that my creatures regularly leave the battlefield. Nontheless this has proven itself again and again.
  • Ephemerate - Instant speed blink, probably the best in slot.
  • Charming Prince - So much flexibility in one card! Wish, he had flash, though.
  • Restoration Angel - Flash, great body, supports the gameplan. Yes, please!
  • Crystal Shard - Not really a blink engine, but it gets the job done. So many opponents forget about this until I bounce their creatures unexpectedly.
Graveyard Shenanigans
I'm a sucker for graveyard strategies so is Ephara. These cards give me some resiliance and a the same time help me trigger Ephara.
  • Emeria, the Sky Ruin - Suprisingly I get Emeria online quite often. I have a soft spot for the Modern Emeria Control shell, so yeah. It works.
  • Sun Titan - One of my all-time favourites, I play this in nearly every white deck. It recurs so many important cards and sometimes dominates the board.
  • Reveillark - Maybe this is questionable, but sometimes this great elemental brings me back into a game I thought was lost.
  • Dance of the Manse - With so many important enchantments the Dance does some serious work and doubles as a finisher.
Blink Targets
With all the blink engines, some blink targets are ... well ... necessary, I guess.
Card Advantage and Tutors
  • Enlightened Tutor - Tutoring to the top of my library is not a problem with the amount of cards we're drawing.
  • Academy Rector - Typically finds Thassa and is a great rattlesnake.
  • Rhystic Study - Yeah, what should I say? Do you pay the one??
Removal and Counters
For now I will only cover my weirder choices.

Single Target Mass Removal Counters
Earlier versions struggled to finish the game, so I added some more traditional big mana finishers.
Some cards that don't fit into other categories.
This deck could probably use another mana stone, but on the other hand I'm quite satisfied.
I won't cover the mana producing lands, because, well, they produce mana. Which is necessary, to make the deck work. Kinda. We're not playing Dredge, do we?

Further Considerations
No decklist is every finished. These are some cards I'm considering at the moment.
  • Selfless Squire - Sometimes Ephara struggles with alpha strikes. The squire could fill this role.
  • Ephara needs her time to stabilize, so a way to gain some life, would be great. But atm I have no idea, what card could fill that role. Any suggestion is welcome.
  • Teleportation Circle - Thassa is great, so having another slightly worse copy could do some work. Not sure, if this is really necessary though.
  • Aether Channeler - Looks a lot like the highly flexible Charming Prince. Does anybody have any experience with the wizard?
  • Cloudblazer - Expensive, but draws cards, gains life and is a flyer. The scout flies in and out of my decklist.
  • Aboleth Spawn - Could be great, could be trash, but has flash. If I can get my hands on a copy, I will test it. Any input is greatly appreciated!
  • Stenn, Paranoid Partisan - He could fill the role of another mana stone that ramps into Ephara and doubles as an engine. Further testing needed.
  • Recruiter of the Guard - Yeah. I want to add the recruiter since its printing, but it's price is just out of my comfort zone. Great card, nontheless. She finds nearly every relevant creature.

Notable Excludes
  • Fast Mana - Not a fan of either Mana Crypt nor Jeweled Lotus. They are not on par with my groups power level either.
  • Combos - Not the game I want to play.
  • Expensive cards - Hm, while I play some more expensive cards, I traded for most of them or got them, when they were cheap. I like to keep it that way.

Credit & Thanks

This deck wouldn't exist without the constant help and playtests of some of my oldest friends. Shout-out to more than 14 years of Magic!

Same goes for WizardMN and pokken and their great primers on Ephara. Even if I'm more of a lurker, your work, your ideas, and your passion for Ephara are greatly appreciated!

Credit for this Primer Template belongs to all members of the Primer Committee. Thank you!

Change Log

Old decklists
This is the first decklist I posted online, which tracks the revisions from the last few years, even if the deck is much older: https://deckstats.net/decks/180546/2063838-edh-ephara


Approximate Total Cost:

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Post by ISBPathfinder » 1 year ago

I really like your Fleeting Spirit add I hadn't thought about that card from an Ephara standpoint before now. I had been entertaining the idea of using some non legend clones on Ephara and that sort of draw engine with a card like this and multiple Epharas seems amazing lol.

Academy Rector seems interesting just given that I don't offhand see any sac outlets. I guess I would be interested to hear how it normally plays for you but I tend to only play it in decks with sac as a normal gameplan.

Crystal Shard - its not quite the same but I wonder if Teleportation Circle might be stronger in this spot. There is advantage of reloading some counterspell based ETBs to hand rather than flicker but Crystal Shard can be kind of clunky needing you to recast things again.

Detention Sphere - it might be worth considering Banishment for the flash pickup even though it costs one more mana. There are advantages in lower cost rez effects like Sun Titan for the 3cmc stuff but I think moving the effect to having flash is a big pickup.
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Post by pokken » 1 year ago

ISBPathfinder wrote:
1 year ago
I really like your Fleeting Spirit add I hadn't thought about that card from an Ephara standpoint before now.
Not to toot my own horn but I've been running it since it came out. It's really, really good. Not going up cards is not great but zero mana cost rummage every turn is extremely strong, and if you add some graveyard synergies it gets out of hand fast.

It does a great job of fading chip shots too. The play patterns are great.

Don't underestimate the power of representing a 3 power first striking blocker either :)

A couple interesting things I have not seen other Ephara players on --

Stenn, Paranoid Partisan does literally everything we want. It ramps into Ephara, it alleviates some other mana constraints, it gives us a card draw outlet in a pinch, and it survives sweepers. I think this card is an autoinclude. 2 cmc creatures who ramp into Ephara and also do other things are extremely rare.

Stenn doesn't even show up on the EDHrec page for Ephara. Very confusing to me. Much like Stormscape Familiar, it's a glaring omission in many Ephara decks. 2 cmc creatures who ramp into Ephara are pure cash (I know you play it!).

Scheming Fence - this card is much better in stronger metas, but much like Stenn it will often ramp into Ephara and does something else (sets the Sol Ring player back). I don't think this is an autoinclude, but I think it's pretty strong.

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Post by cheonice » 1 year ago

ISBPathfinder wrote:
1 year ago
I really like your Fleeting Spirit add I hadn't thought about that card from an Ephara standpoint before now. I had been entertaining the idea of using some non legend clones on Ephara and that sort of draw engine with a card like this and multiple Epharas seems amazing lol.

Academy Rector seems interesting just given that I don't offhand see any sac outlets. I guess I would be interested to hear how it normally plays for you but I tend to only play it in decks with sac as a normal gameplan.

Crystal Shard - its not quite the same but I wonder if Teleportation Circle might be stronger in this spot. There is advantage of reloading some counterspell based ETBs to hand rather than flicker but Crystal Shard can be kind of clunky needing you to recast things again.

Detention Sphere - it might be worth considering Banishment for the flash pickup even though it costs one more mana. There are advantages in lower cost rez effects like Sun Titan for the 3cmc stuff but I think moving the effect to having flash is a big pickup.
^^ I found Fleeting Spirit on pokken's primer, so credit, where credit is due. It's simply amazing, how well this card performs.

Cloning Ephara sound fun. The deck already draws a bunch of cards and doubling on that could be good, but in the end I don't think it's necessary.

Crystal Shard overperformed several times. My playgroup tends to tap out all the time, so this got them more than once. I really like the flixibility here. I'm still not sure, if I need another EOT blinker in addition to Thassa, Deep-Dwelling and Soulherder, even if it is as good as Teleportation Circle .

Banishment is a great call, too! Having flash would be an amazing addition and quite worth the extra mana. I'll track one down.

Academy Rector - Ephara is the only deck, where this really fits. Some kind of sac outlet sure would be great maybe I can add High Market. Atm it's more of a rattlesnake. It works most of the time though.
pokken wrote:
1 year ago
A couple interesting things I have not seen other Ephara players on --

Stenn, Paranoid Partisan does literally everything we want. It ramps into Ephara, it alleviates some other mana constraints, it gives us a card draw outlet in a pinch, and it survives sweepers. I think this card is an autoinclude. 2 cmc creatures who ramp into Ephara and also do other things are extremely rare.

Stenn doesn't even show up on the EDHrec page for Ephara. Very confusing to me. Much like Stormscape Familiar, it's a glaring omission in many Ephara decks. 2 cmc creatures who ramp into Ephara are pure cash (I know you play it!).

Scheming Fence - this card is much better in stronger metas, but much like Stenn it will often ramp into Ephara and does something else (sets the Sol Ring player back). I don't think this is an autoinclude, but I think it's pretty strong.
Yeah, Stenn, Paranoid Partisan looks great, I will track down a copy. He looks just amazing.

I don't think my meta is suited for Scheming Fence, even if it looks like a fun inclusion.

What do you think of Selfless Squire or Aether Channeler? The Squire looks like a great out against blowouts. And I really like the flexibility of the Channeler. They could be great additions.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your input! It is greatly appreciated.

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Post by pokken » 1 year ago

Squire and channeler are both fine. I love squire because anything that hoses craterhoof is my happy place.

I am not really looking much lately at 3-4 mana cards personally. There's just so many of them to think about I think which ones you play become a meta call.

I am trying to tune the early game and late game a lot and that means more 1-2 cmc cards and more 5-7 cmc cards. 3-4 is always so bloated.

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Post by cheonice » 1 year ago

Yeah.... I don't think I own any deck that has a more crowded 4 mana slot...

Last game went ... not so well. I made a huge missplay by casting Cavalier of Dawn into my opponents Faerie Artisans, which probably lost me the game... It was a long and exhausting day... In the end Slimefoot, the Stowaway found his combo and won the game despite two player's throwing every counter and every removal we could find at him. Not my best game, I guess...

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Post by cheonice » 1 year ago

Small change:
Smothering Tithe is needed elsewhere, so Stenn, Paranoid Partisan gets a chance to shine.

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Post by cheonice » 8 months ago

Uh, the new Flesh Duplicate looks interesting! I've been searching for another Sun Titanable clone for a while. Phantasmal Image felt weird, because I can't target it with Whitemane Lion or Thassa, Deep-Dwelling. Flesh Duplicate could finally fill this role.

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Post by cheonice » 6 months ago

Some changes.

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Post by PrimevalCommander » 6 months ago

cheonice wrote:
8 months ago
Uh, the new Flesh Duplicate looks interesting! I've been searching for another Sun Titanable clone for a while. Phantasmal Image felt weird, because I can't target it with Whitemane Lion or Thassa, Deep-Dwelling. Flesh Duplicate could finally fill this role.
Whitemane Lion doesn't target, so you should be able to bounce Phantasmal Image with Whitemane. Thassa, not so much.
Flesh Duplicate does look pretty strong. If the creature sticks around 3 turns you definitely got the mana out of it.

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Post by cheonice » 5 months ago

PrimevalCommander wrote:
6 months ago
cheonice wrote:
8 months ago
Uh, the new Flesh Duplicate looks interesting! I've been searching for another Sun Titanable clone for a while. Phantasmal Image felt weird, because I can't target it with Whitemane Lion or Thassa, Deep-Dwelling. Flesh Duplicate could finally fill this role.
Whitemane Lion doesn't target, so you should be able to bounce Phantasmal Image with Whitemane. Thassa, not so much.
Flesh Duplicate does look pretty strong. If the creature sticks around 3 turns you definitely got the mana out of it.
O.o They don't target. You're right. I'm playing this deck for years and years now and just didn't see it... Thanks. Flesh Duplicate is just 3-4 €, so it should be possible to find a copy.

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Post by cheonice » 5 months ago

I opened Tishana's Tidebinder with the gorgeous alternate artwork! So naturally I needed to find a place for it.
Overcharged Amalgam underperformed several times due to the sacrifice clause, so it needs to go.

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Post by cheonice » 3 months ago

Some additions from the latest sets.
Approximate Total Cost:

Crystal Shard feels outdated, but I will keep it in mind, if my meta gets more tempo-focussed again.

The surveil-land should be way better than a cipt dual.

I allready talked about Flesh Duplicate. A Sun Titan-able clone sounds great!

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