Overrated or Underrated?

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Post by Foo » 4 years ago

Let's try a classic.

We've been playing with Core 2020 for a week now and we already have people coming forward with opinions in the form of set reviews, initial impressions articles and podcasts, and pick orders. How does you experience stack up against the wisdom of the crowd? Let's find out.

I'll get us started naming a card, archetype, or color from the newest set and I'll do my best to identify the current consensus. The next poster should be someone who disagrees with that consensus and believe that the card, archetype, or color is being overrated or underrated. That poster then posts a card, archetype, or color of their own and the processes begins again.

(You can also feel free to leave it open for another poster to suggest the next topic, if you'd like)

So let's start with Loyal Pegasus

This aggressive 2/1 flier is ranked 106th on Karsten's aggregate rating, near the top of tier 5 - the "C" tier. This places it just above cards like Skyknight Vanguard and Dawning Angel but just below cards like Raise the Alarm and Griffin Protector in the white pick order.

Is Loyal Pegasus overrated or underrated?
Check out ongoing community Draft Simulations in the limited section. The fifth pick of Pack 2 in our first draft is currently live!
Cards Drafted So Far
Healer of the Glade
Scorch Spitter
Sedge Scorpion

Maniacal Rage
Marauder's Axe
Moment of Heroism
Season of Growth
Uncaged Fury

Chandra's Spitfire
Griffin Sentinel
Hanged Executioner
Ironroot Warlord
Glint-Horn Buccaneer
Rotting Regisaur

Dragon Mage
Meteor Golem

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Post by Henlock » 4 years ago

I've played once both sealed and draft (Both times ended in GB) and I have to say tbat I didn't see the guy much., which is somwthing to say. I think the archetypes that would want this have many options at their disposal and players are thinking it twice before going with a conditional body. I would say this is overrated.

I'm somewhat surprised to see Gift of Paradise amongst the Mediocre playables. Gift both ramps and fixes while giving you life, which is a well spent time for getting to the top of your curve or stabilizing your mana, as there are a lot or color intensive powerful cards. As a side note, I got Vivien in both events and Gift allowed me to get off color cards for a given situation such as Boreal Elemental and Dawning Angel.. So I kind of diaagrre with the Mediocre Tag.

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Post by Foo » 4 years ago

Ok, let's run with this.

Core 2020 is ostensibly a set where you can be rewarded for playing three-color wedges. Going to three color is facilitated by 10 common dual lands and cards like Gift and scuttlemutt. It's paid off in the three color legendary creatures (Kaalia, Zenith Seeker, Omnth, Locus of the Roil, etc.) and more play against color hosers and protection creatures, as well as the usual improved access to powerful spells. LSV reported feeling Sultai was the best archetype in sealed.

So, three color decks in Coe 2020: overrated or underrated?
Check out ongoing community Draft Simulations in the limited section. The fifth pick of Pack 2 in our first draft is currently live!
Cards Drafted So Far
Healer of the Glade
Scorch Spitter
Sedge Scorpion

Maniacal Rage
Marauder's Axe
Moment of Heroism
Season of Growth
Uncaged Fury

Chandra's Spitfire
Griffin Sentinel
Hanged Executioner
Ironroot Warlord
Glint-Horn Buccaneer
Rotting Regisaur

Dragon Mage
Meteor Golem

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Post by Henlock » 4 years ago

Hnmm. This is not Tatkir. The fixing is good but M20 has a lot of mana intensivity in the set's bombs. I've played against a five color deck in sealed, but didn't see a proper three color deck. I tjhnk the posibility of tjree color decks is overrated..

[card]Healer of the glade[/mana] sits in the low end Tier amondst Bad and Unplayable cards. Foe some reason there's been lot of talk of lifegain in Orzhov but green presents quite a few ways to gain life. Healer is also an Elemental, whoch gives it Tribal synergies So, does Healer of tbe Glade deserve that place near the bottom?

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Post by italofoca » 4 years ago

Real three color decks are very, very overrated. Never managed to finish a run (Bo1 or Bo3) with a 3 color deck in arena, even with insane insane decks like full elemental lists with Omnath, Locus of the Roil and double Risen Reef, or Yarok, the Desecrated + Meteor Golem + Portal of Sanctuary.

The mana fixing is just not plentiful enough and out of 10 matches you can expect killer mana problems in like 2 of then on top of the usual mana flood/screw. Also this is a format with crazy power and synergy on common/uncommon level. Thus getting your third mana and playing your powerful rare does not buy as many victories as you would hope. And color screw is so much harsher when more often then not your opponent will do powerful stuff (like attacking with a evasive Audacious Thief) than playing random 2/3 vanillas for 3.

With that said, this is way more manageable in usual draft (Bo3) since not every single loss counts towards the end of your run. The third color is also more valuable in Bo3 because you end up with more low pick good SB cards (like Plummet).

I think if you are Bo1 and you end up getting the good legendary mythics like Omnath and Yarok you should go two colors with a splash. Avoid 3 colors like the plague.


Healer is not underrated in my opinion. There aren't that many life gain pay offs in the set and none benefit that much from an one-shot life gain. Not to the point that justifies an 1/2 one drop.

With that said, Healer is still playable. It buys you a lot of time with Portal of Sanctuary and it plays very well alongside Risen Reef. If you draft multiple Creeping Trailblazers you can try a very low curve aggressive elemental aggro deck. It has it's uses but since these decks are hard to come by, no one will draft the healer and they are "free picks".


A divisive card: Moldervine Reclamation. I my experience I've never played that card and lost a game. There is absolutely no way your opponent is beating you on ground and if you draft this you should really prioritize playing the spiders so they can't beat you on air either. The card feels like a absolute bomb if your opponent can't destroy enchantments. Imo this is criminally underrated and should sit comfortably in the upper Tier 3 category imo.

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