378 Card Core Set
Release Date: Apr 01st 1995
Showing cards 49 - 96 of 378.
Your Fourth Edition
Set Total Haves
Set Total Needs
Set Total Extras
Card NamePrice
H: W: N: 0

Serra Angel$0.96
H: W: N: 0

Spirit Link$0.51
H: W: N: 0

Swords to Plowshares$1.98
H: W: N: 0

Tundra Wolves$0.12
H: W: N: 0

H: W: N: 0

Wall of Swords$0.17
H: W: N: 0

White Knight$0.25
H: W: N: 0

White Ward$0.12
H: W: N: 0

Wrath of God$3.15
H: W: N: 0

Air Elemental$0.23
H: W: N: 0

Animate Artifact$0.10
H: W: N: 0

Apprentice Wizard$0.14
H: W: N: 0

H: W: N: 0

Blue Elemental Blast$0.73
H: W: N: 0

Control Magic$1.24
H: W: N: 0

H: W: N: 0

Creature Bond$0.07
H: W: N: 0

Drain Power$1.14
H: W: N: 0

Energy Flux$0.24
H: W: N: 0

Energy Tap$0.27
H: W: N: 0

H: W: N: 0

H: W: N: 0

H: W: N: 0

H: W: N: 0

Gaseous Form$0.08
H: W: N: 0

Ghost Ship$0.16
H: W: N: 0

Giant Tortoise$0.08
H: W: N: 0

Hurkyl's Recall$1.75
H: W: N: 0

Island Fish Jasconius$0.24
H: W: N: 0

H: W: N: 0

H: W: N: 0

H: W: N: 0

Lord of Atlantis$8.86
H: W: N: 0

Magical Hack$4.24
H: W: N: 0

Mahamoti Djinn$0.44
H: W: N: 0

Mana Short$1.30
H: W: N: 0

Merfolk of the Pearl Trident$0.08
H: W: N: 0

Mind Bomb$0.18
H: W: N: 0

Phantasmal Forces$0.12
H: W: N: 0

Phantasmal Terrain$0.07
H: W: N: 0

Phantom Monster$0.15
H: W: N: 0

Pirate Ship$1.21
H: W: N: 0

Power Leak$0.07
H: W: N: 0

Power Sink$0.07
H: W: N: 0

Prodigal Sorcerer$0.14
H: W: N: 0

Psionic Entity$0.24
H: W: N: 0

Psychic Venom$0.16
H: W: N: 0

Showing cards 49 - 96 of 378.

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