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Bronze Sable

Bronze Sable
Bronze Sable
Artifact Creature — Sable

The Champion stood alone between the horde of the Returned and the shrine to Karametra, cutting down scores among hundreds. She would have been overcome if not for the aid of the temple guardians whom Karametra awakened.

—*The Theriad*


Bronze Sable

Bronze Sable
Bronze Sable
Artifact Creature — Sable

The Champion stood alone between the horde of the Returned and the shrine to Karametra, cutting down scores among hundreds. She would have been overcome if not for the aid of the temple guardians whom Karametra awakened.

—*The Theriad*


Bronze Sable

Bronze Sable
Bronze Sable
Artifact Creature — Sable

The Champion stood alone between the horde of the Returned and the shrine to Karametra, cutting down scores among hundreds. She would have been overcome if not for the aid of the temple guardians whom Karametra awakened.

—*The Theriad*

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