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Heat Ray

Heat Ray
Heat Ray

Heat Ray deals X damage to target creature.

It's not known whether the Thran built the device to forge their wonders or to defend them.

Heat Ray

Heat Ray
Heat Ray

Heat Ray deals X damage to target creature.

It's not known whether the Thran built the device to forge their wonders or to defend them.

Heat Ray

Heat Ray
Heat Ray

Heat Ray deals X damage to target creature.

"There was clearly a scream. I'm not sure if there was a mouth."

—Sachir, Akoum Expeditionary House

Heat Ray

Heat Ray
Heat Ray

Heat Ray deals X damage to target creature.

"There was clearly a scream. I'm not sure if there was a mouth."

—Sachir, Akoum Expeditionary House

Heat Ray

Heat Ray
Heat Ray

Heat Ray deals X damage to target creature.

"There was clearly a scream. I'm not sure if there was a mouth."

—Sachir, Akoum Expeditionary House

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Showing cards 1 - 5 of 5.

Modern Horizons 3: The Good, Bad, and Ugly

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