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Sliver Legion

Sliver Legion
Sliver Legion
Legendary Creature — Sliver

All Sliver creatures get +1/+1 for each other Sliver on the battlefield.

Hidden within the clicking, chittering swarm is a unique mind, still young, but growing more aware as time passes.


Sliver Legion

Sliver Legion
Sliver Legion
Legendary Creature — Sliver

All Sliver creatures get +1/+1 for each other Sliver on the battlefield.

Hidden within the clicking, chittering swarm is a unique mind, still young, but growing more aware as time passes.


Sliver Legion

Sliver Legion
Sliver Legion
Legendary Creature — Sliver

All Sliver creatures get +1/+1 for each other Sliver on the battlefield.

Hidden within the clicking, chittering swarm is a unique mind, still young, but growing more aware as time passes.


Sliver Legion

Sliver Legion
Sliver Legion
Legendary Creature — Sliver

All Sliver creatures get +1/+1 for each other Sliver on the battlefield.

An alien from another world, at first glance it looks funny. Maybe scary and also maybe ugly, but mostly funny.


Sliver Legion

Sliver Legion
Sliver Legion
Legendary Creature — Sliver

All Sliver creatures get +1/+1 for each other Sliver on the battlefield.

An alien from another world, at first glance it looks funny. Maybe scary and also maybe ugly, but mostly funny.

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Showing cards 1 - 5 of 5.

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