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Strider Harness

Strider Harness
Strider Harness
Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature gets +1/+1 and has haste.

Equip {1} ({1}: Attach to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery.)

Each journey begins with a single step—and sometimes ends with that single step as well.

Strider Harness

Strider Harness
Strider Harness
Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature gets +1/+1 and has haste.

Equip {1} ({1}: Attach to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery.)

"Sometimes being fast is as important as being smart."

—Ryza, Oran-Rief scout

Strider Harness

Strider Harness
Strider Harness
Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature gets +1/+1 and has haste.

Equip {1} ({1}: Attach to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery.)

"Because the giant, implacable death lizard wasn't scary enough already."

—Captain Brinely Rage

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Modern Horizons 3: The Good, Bad, and Ugly

Homunculi? No, Homuncul-US!

Artisan Brewery: Jumping the Gun, Are We?

Artisan Saloon: Doc's Our Huckleberry

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Releases Aug 2nd