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Wanderguard Sentry

Wanderguard Sentry
Wanderguard Sentry
Creature — Drone

When Wanderguard Sentry enters the battlefield, look at target opponent's hand.

Created by the vedalken to guard Lumengrid, the drones' empty eyes look beyond the Quicksilver Sea.


Wanderguard Sentry

Wanderguard Sentry
Wanderguard Sentry
Creature — Drone

When Wanderguard Sentry enters the battlefield, look at target opponent's hand.

It allows those with dangerous weapons to pass. But not those with dangerous thoughts.


Wanderguard Sentry

Wanderguard Sentry
Wanderguard Sentry
Creature — Drone

When Wanderguard Sentry enters the battlefield, look at target opponent's hand.

It allows those with dangerous weapons to pass. But not those with dangerous thoughts.

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Showing cards 1 - 3 of 3.

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