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Wing Snare

Wing Snare
Wing Snare

Destroy target creature with flying.

"Argoth's doom rained from a clear sky. Yavimaya will not share that fate."

—Multani, maro-sorcerer

Wing Snare

Wing Snare
Wing Snare

Destroy target creature with flying.

"We are the hands of the great trees, reaching out to ensnare what threatens their branches."

—Elvish hunter

Wing Snare

Wing Snare
Wing Snare

Destroy target creature with flying.

"We are the hands of the great trees, reaching out to ensnare what threatens their branches."

—Elvish hunter

Wing Snare

Wing Snare
Wing Snare

Destroy target creature with flying.

The elves long ago mastered the art of hunting with nets. They call it "fishing the sky."

Wing Snare

Wing Snare
Wing Snare

Destroy target creature with flying.

The elves long ago mastered the art of hunting with nets. They call it "fishing the sky."

Wing Snare

Wing Snare
Wing Snare

Destroy target creature with flying.

"We are the hands of the great trees, reaching out to ensnare what threatens their branches."

—Elvish hunter

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Showing cards 1 - 6 of 6.

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