
Creature — Human Saiyan Android

Flying, First Strike, Double Strike

Assimilate {4} (If Semi-Perfect Cell blocks or is blocked and survives, it gains one of the abilties printed on the blocking/blocked cardif you pay {4} mana. If Semi-Perfect Cell already has an ability on the card it cannot be chosen again, instead Cell gets another ability.)

If Semi-Perfect Cell was transformed from Cell, Flawed Evolution it keeps all abilties it previously had Assimilated.

If Semi-Perfect Cell Assimilates six times, Exile it and return it on your next untap step transformed.

Perfect Cell
Legendary Creature — Human Saiyan Nemekian Frieza Race Android

Flying, First Strike, Double Strike, Vigilance, Menace.

Regeneration: Perfect Cell returns to your hand if it's toughness becomes 0, being sent to the graveyard only if it's toughness is brought to -2.

Max Assimilation (Percect Cell gains all abilties and creature types of creatures it is blocking or being blocked by.)

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