75 Card Expansion Set
By Calvernock
Weirdos Stick Together
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Showing cards 1 - 24 of 75.
Showing cards 1 - 24 of 75.
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This is such a good idea for both a fun and flavorful deck!
Keithray wrote:
1 year ago
This is such a good idea for both a fun and flavorful deck!
Thanks! I'm planning on making an entire 250 card draft set. Glyph counters, the Covens, and Cycling are the mechanics for it. The cards I've made so far(Coven Heads, Sigils, all the Glyphs) are the demonstrations and foundation of the mechanics so I can get a good grasp on them and expand from there into the design skeleton.
This is awesome! Can't wait to see the rest of the main cast!
anonymous avatar
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