Hiroto Kuga, Royal Knight Aspirant // Hiroto Kuga, Far Searching


Legendary Creature — Gith Warrior


Whenever a creature you control attacks put a Training counter on Hiroto Kuga, Royal Knight Aspirant.

Whenever Hiroto Kuga, Royal Knight Aspirant deals combat damage to a player he deals damage to that player equal to the number of Training counters on him.

If Hiroto Kuga, Royal Knight Aspirant has 10 or more Training counters on him, exile him and return him to the battlefiled transformed.

Hiroto learned quickly from his father on topics of martial fighting, but not on topics of military strategy.

Hiroto Kuga, Far Searching Knight
Legendary Creature — Gith Knight

Haste, First Strike

When Hiroto Kuga, Far Searching Knight enters the battlefield search your library for an equipment card and put it into your hand.

Whenever an equipment is attached to Hiroto Kuga, Far Searching Knight, he may gain either +0/+1 or +1/+0 for as long as that equipment is attached to him.

Hiroto journeyed far to only find his first clue on his father's whereabouts, his sword.

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