Land — Cave

{T}: Add {C}.

Descend 4 — {T}: Add one mana of any color. Activate only if there are four or more permanent cards in your graveyard.

Descend 8 — {T}: Create a Treasure token. Activate only if there are eight or more permanent cards in your graveyard.

Fathomless descent — {5}, {T}: Bottomless Ruins becomes an X/X Horror creature until and of turn, where X is the number of permanent cards in your graveyard. It's still a land. Activate only if you descended this turn.

Card Info
December MCC Round 1 - Deeper underground

Main Challenge - Design a single-faced card with descend 4, descend 8, fathomless descent, and/or the text "descended this turn".

Subchallenge 1 - The card is not a creature.

Subchallenge 2 - The card has no black mana symbols in its mana cost AND in its rules text.
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