Legendary Creature — Human Assassin


Burn 3(Whenever this creature destroys a creature give that creature owner 3 burn)

Fervid Emotions{W}{R}—Roll a D6 1-3 target opponent gains 3 burn. 4-6 draw one card target opponent gains X burn were X is equal to the base nonspecific mana cost of the card you drew.

Inner Ardor{2}{R}{W}{t}—Remove all burn from target opponent, make X treasure tokens were X is equal to the amount of burn removed

Awaken E.G.O{2}{W}{W}{R}{R}{B}{B}—Sacrafise Xiao to search through your library for XIAO E.G.O::NINE CHILDREN OF THE DRAGON you may cast it without paying its mana cost when cast this way it cannot be countered.

"I do have one regret regarding you: that I could not trust my feelings for you. That I was too afraid to tell you that you’re my everything the night before you left me."

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