Alexander Behaved Slut // Alexander Devious Ruler


Legendary Creature — Sub


Alexander Behaved Slut much block attacking Dom's if able.

Alexander Behaved slut gets +0/+1 equil to your devotion to White and Blue.

When Alexander Behaved Slut takes damage from a Dom gain a Mark Counter.

{T}: Remove all Mark Counters and exile Alexander Behaved Slut the return it to the battlefield transformed under its owners control.

Alexander Devious Ruler
Legendary Enchantment Creature — Dom

Vigilance Lifelink Doublestrike

Constellation - Whenever this card or another enchantment enters the battlefield under your control add a spoon counter to Alexander Devious Ruler.

When Alexander Devious Ruler enters the battlefield put a number of Spoon Counters on it equil to the number of Mark Counters Removed when it was transformed.

Devotion - Alexander Devious Ruler's power and toughness are equil to your devotion to White and Blue.

Remove a Spoon Counter from Alexander Devious Ruler when ever they attack or block. If Alexander deals damage to one or more Subs remove and aditional Spoon Counter. When you remove the last Spoon Counter from Alexander Devious Ruler exile it and return it to the battlefield transformed under its owners control.

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