32 Card Expansion Set
By justanotheraddict
Escape the ARK: 1
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Showing cards 1 - 24 of 32.
Showing cards 1 - 24 of 32.
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Scorched Earth, Aberration, Extinction, and Genesis expansion packs coming soon! Expect a total of 150 cards in our original ARK set, made in collaboration with @TheCruelRiver!
Yep. The expansions won’t have more than 20 cards each but they will be high quality and i(the deck master between the two of us) will make sure that decks are easily makeable with the cards including the expansions!
For the people who (might have) came here from Reddit, my reddit account is u/justanothermcaddict, while CruelRiver's is u/Tall-Bobcat-7125. Follow for more ARK content and updates on the TCG!
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