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by Treamayne
2 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: Hidden Gems, What's yours?
Replies: 76
Views: 6912

Re: Hidden Gems, What's yours?

Was just working on updating my Rainbow Stairwell Manland deck, and was reminded of how great Reconnaissance is with ManLands. I know it's a good card anyway, but it's just a notch better with ManLands. Also, I really dig Cream of the Crop in any creature heavy build. Usually not the most threatenin...
by Treamayne
2 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: "Egg Token" Commanders
Replies: 9
Views: 1968

Re: "Egg Token" Commanders

One of the techniques I use for bottom-up deckbuilding, when I am trying to decide on a CI/strategy, is I create piles of the core maybe-board, then compare side by side to see which "set" seems more fun/interesting. Below is an rough example of what I mean (based on theme-core only) of Je...
by Treamayne
2 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: "Egg Token" Commanders
Replies: 9
Views: 1968

Re: "Egg Token" Commanders

To clarify, I'm not talking about Atla Palani, Nest Tender here. The term "Egg" works for small artifacts that could be sacrificed for benefits. I'm not sure if it's used on Treasure/Clue/Food tokens, so I'm calling them "Egg Tokens". I prefer calling these types of tokens "...
by Treamayne
3 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: Hidden Gems, What's yours?
Replies: 76
Views: 6912

Re: Hidden Gems, What's yours?

Sacred Ground deserves some love. All of you that hate your lands getting killed, this not only stops it, but completely neutralizes the threat of MLD by making it useless. No one casts into this. Ditto Terra Eternal - and both are great for ManLand decks I'm a fan of Phyrexian Splicer . Not just f...
by Treamayne
3 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: Hidden Gems, What's yours?
Replies: 76
Views: 6912

Re: Hidden Gems, What's yours?

I'm a fan of Phyrexian Splicer . Not just for offense or defense, but the political applications are wonderful (any two target creatures, not just yours and theirs). Also, it's rarely "strong enough" to draw targeted removal, so it generally sticks around unless somebody wipes artifacts. H...
by Treamayne
3 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: How much chaos or randomness is too much? [MCD]
Replies: 17
Views: 1604

Re: How much chaos or randomness is too much? [MCD]

so, with this set's focus on rolling dice and in the past coin flipping and the reactions it causes, i was wondering how much of this type of randomness compared to other "chaos" type effects is too much? In a playgroup, it's obviously whatever decision the group prefers. Online or in ran...
by Treamayne
3 years ago
Forum: Variant Commander
Topic: Ultimate Commander
Replies: 25
Views: 5947

Re: Ultimate Commander

Here is my "new" format idea. I've been playing 1v1 with my friend and some multiplayer games on xmage. Ultimate commander is basically the same as normal commander with fewer deck construction restrictions 1. No max deck size. I've always thought restricting max size deck is just a does ...
by Treamayne
3 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: Top 5 Current Commander Concerns or have another freak out over Sheldon's thoughts
Replies: 133
Views: 10184

Re: Top 5 Current Commander Concerns or have another freak out over Sheldon's thoughts

I, in my experience, play the cards I play because I've been in the bad experiences I have. <snip> I'm getting into rant territory, lem'me stop. I empathize with this, bad play experiences have dominated what little EDH I have been able to play for the last few years. Unfortunately, since that has ...
by Treamayne
3 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: Top 5 Current Commander Concerns or have another freak out over Sheldon's thoughts
Replies: 133
Views: 10184

Re: Top 5 Current Commander Concerns or have another freak out over Sheldon's thoughts

A fixed Balance that somehow didn't reward artifact ramp would be pretty cool (maybe that hit all nonland permanents as a group, then lands as a separate group?). I think it would have to either " Balance " to the average number of lands - or - reduce to the amount of lands at the start o...
by Treamayne
3 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: Top 5 Current Commander Concerns or have another freak out over Sheldon's thoughts
Replies: 133
Views: 10184

Re: Top 5 Current Commander Concerns or have another freak out over Sheldon's thoughts

ALCON, I apologize for derailing the thread through poor word choice. An enchant player curse that makes a Blood Moon type effect just for that player (e.g. Nonbasic lands enchanted player controls lose all abilities and are Basic Wastes) Cheap multi-target artifact destruction that can address arti...
by Treamayne
3 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: Top 5 Current Commander Concerns or have another freak out over Sheldon's thoughts
Replies: 133
Views: 10184

Re: Top 5 Current Commander Concerns or have another freak out over Sheldon's thoughts

There are three ravnica blocks. I've been hoping to play Ravnica only EDH since the latest one came out. And allow for players to use 3 of same shocks as long as they use 3 different arts for their shocks Of course, I've never been able to convince anyone to try it out. But if someone with clout li...
by Treamayne
3 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: What mechanics would you like to see in future Commander precon decks?
Replies: 93
Views: 7423

Re: What mechanics would you like to see in future Commander precon decks?

I'd definitely be excited to see 5 monocolored devotion decks, or 5 2-color devotion decks focused on ally or enemy colored gods - new takes on Ephara/Karametra/Phenax/Klothys/mogis would be dope With this, I would also like more "# of <land type>" effects (e.g. Quarry Colossus / Engulf t...
by Treamayne
3 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: What mechanics would you like to see in future Commander precon decks?
Replies: 93
Views: 7423

Re: What mechanics would you like to see in future Commander precon decks?

Keywords I would like to see get support: Banding*, Rampage, Shadow, Fateseal Mechanics I would like to see get support: Reverse Trample ( Cunning Giant , Farrel's Mantle ), Power-up (like level up but without the restrictions/counters like Figure of Destiny ), Turn off (remove/prevent <something> b...
by Treamayne
3 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: Sheldon's throwaway comment about banning wheels
Replies: 168
Views: 13934

Re: Sheldon's throwaway comment about banning wheels

I am quite surprised by Sheldon's take. Normally, wheels are actually a lot weaker in multiplayer since you give cards to multiple opponents. That would've been true in the past, but these days most people actively create situations where they'd benefit the most from wheels, such as with a Nekusar,...
by Treamayne
3 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: [mtgnexus] Random Card of the Day - Ulalek, Fused Atrocity
Replies: 17531
Views: 1162448

Re: [mtgnexus] Random Card of the Day - Mitotic Slime

It's " just " a vanilla guy. But is it really? It never dies all the way, is a fun trick with SolaS , and hey you can even populate the tokens to create more slimes that multiply. I think it's a reasonable wave of offense because, let's be honest, no one is blowing their Plowshares on thi...
by Treamayne
3 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: When is it worth it to use Maskwood Nexus?
Replies: 13
Views: 3596

Re: When is it worth it to use Maskwood Nexus?

Anybody know why the original post to which I replied was removed?
by Treamayne
3 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: When is it worth it to use Maskwood Nexus?
Replies: 13
Views: 3596

Re: When is it worth it to use Maskwood Nexus?

I build Tribal (in the true sense) almost exclusively (37 of my 40 current decks are based on creature type). I also wrote the Variant guide for Tribal EDH (See here ). That said, my experience with Maskwood Nexus has been that there are three types of tribal decks that want to consider it: 1) All C...
by Treamayne
3 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: Mono U artifacts
Replies: 35
Views: 3320

Re: Mono U artifacts

if I wanted to take an artifact slant I could build around a vehicle sub-theme. Could be fun and unique...ish. If it helps, here's a partial list of my Sydri Vehicle deck. It should be adaptable to Cosima, Emry,Pradeem or even Glacian, Powerstone Engineer . Planeswalkers (1) 1 Tezzeret the Seeker C...
by Treamayne
3 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: Rolling dice to decide attacks -or- Triggering RxPhantom's self-destruct sequence
Replies: 37
Views: 3314

Re: Rolling dice to decide attacks -or- Triggering RxPhantom's self-destruct sequence

All, other factors being equal, I attack in player order during the early turns. That said, rarely are all other factors equal beyond T1; somebody will have ramped harder, have a must-answer commander/threat; or in some other way distinguished themselves (having a blocker, not having blockers, etc. ...
by Treamayne
3 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: Forsaken Monument
Replies: 16
Views: 3731

Re: Forsaken Monument

I have not been disappointed that I added this to both Karn, Silver Golem (Golem Deck) and Sydri, Galvanic Genius (Vehicle deck). In Karn, I already had a life-gain subtheme ( Golem's Heart inspired) and the deck's plan B is proliferating Armageddon Clock counters and gaining enough life to live the...
by Treamayne
3 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: Where does it end?
Replies: 52
Views: 4899

Re: Where does it end?

@Treamayne - haha, oh god that sounds like my worst nightmare. I'd never get around to taking a deck apart if I had to have every card organized so carefully. Plus it really doesn't gain me hardly anything because of how I build decks - I pull out anywhere from a hundred up to a thousand or more ca...
by Treamayne
3 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: Advices for Grixis and Bant combinations
Replies: 12
Views: 1622

Re: Advices for Grixis and Bant combinations

For Grixis, you could try Lord of Tresserhorn for a Zombie Tribal, but I really prefer my Garza Zol, Plague Queen Vampire tribal with Proliferate theme. Nothing like putting Dizzying Gaze on Baron Sengir and pinging a flier that's about to die anyway for 1 damage. Bant could typically lead you towar...
by Treamayne
3 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: Where does it end?
Replies: 52
Views: 4899

Re: Where does it end?

I am, apparently, in the minority. So here goes nothin'... First major division is by CI (e.g. Embodiment of Spring goes in GU) Each color box is: Permanents -Basic Land -Nonbasic Land (Alphabetical) -Planeswalkers (By CMC, then alphabetical) -Colored Artifacts* -- Artifacts (by CMC, then alphabetic...
by Treamayne
3 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: Mono-Color in EDH
Replies: 30
Views: 4741

Re: Mono-Color in EDH

So I feel like cards that reward people for playing mono colored will just do more than cards that punish people for paying more than one color. I think that depends on the type of "hate" for multicolored. Of course things like Blood Moon will be unpopular at casual tables, but that is mo...
by Treamayne
3 years ago
Forum: Commander
Topic: Mono-Color in EDH
Replies: 30
Views: 4741

Re: Mono-Color in EDH

More stuff like Price of Progress or Mercadia's Downfall is another angle I'd like to see also. I can get behind those, along with more Trailblazer's Boots effects/abilities. Is this phrasing/template weird? Basically it would be punishing them for non-my-monocolor. (Hurts you for colorless spells,...

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