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by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: Competitive Discussions
Topic: Mythic Championship VII 12/6-8: Decks, Coverage & Discussion
Replies: 4
Views: 2782

Re: Mythic Championship VII 12/6-8: Decks, Coverage & Discussion

I can see some kind of sultai deck popping up again. I agree that the 2 different simic shells are pretty different, the colour combo has a lot of game right now
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: Competitive Decks
Topic: Golgari adventures
Replies: 15
Views: 5485

Re: Golgari adventures

what's your opinion on running regisaur in the deck vs not running it?
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: Competitive Discussions
Topic: Mythic Championship VII 12/6-8: Decks, Coverage & Discussion
Replies: 4
Views: 2782

Re: Mythic Championship VII 12/6-8: Decks, Coverage & Discussion

I think I might be convinced on regisaur in adventures now.

Also one thing I found absurd is even with the bannings that affected Simic mostly, that there were still a few good Simic decks at the event
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: [official] How long have you been playing?
Replies: 81
Views: 29639

Re: [official] How long have you been playing?

I have a buddy that is kind of similar, he'd like play more once his oldest kid is old enough to understand it. I guess as someone who has no family it's harder for me to completely grasp how much time it takes to have a family. All the time. It costs all the time in the world. But its all worth it...
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: Competitive Decks
Topic: Golgari adventures
Replies: 15
Views: 5485

Re: Golgari adventures

similar to what I had pre-once upon a time ban, what's your opinion on the vivien from war of the spark in the deck? I wanna try it
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New Arena Code "Already Redeemed"
Replies: 2
Views: 3287

Re: New Arena Code "Already Redeemed"

could it be that it was for free packs of a certain set when you already redeemed a free pack code for that set?
I'm pretty sure you're only allowed one code for free packs per set
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Best/Worst card evaluations?
Replies: 6
Views: 1534

Re: Best/Worst card evaluations?

I had a couple buddies who were convinced mistcaller was the blue answer to decks that cheated creatures into play without paying their mana costs. We're they ever wrong When that card came out I WISHED that it was better than it was because putting merfolk back on the board would be cool. Too bad ...
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: Pioneer
Topic: What reprints would you put in Pioneer Horizons?
Replies: 55
Views: 15164

Re: What reprints would you put in Pioneer Horizons?

Deathgrip , Acid Rain , Perish But seriously folks, Condemn and/or Oust I think that condemn or oust would be good white removal to add to the format while not being as overpowered as path to exile . whenever I look at UW lists the removal looks so awkward but maybe I just haven't played the format...
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: Midrange
Topic: [Deck] Grixis Death's Shadow
Replies: 29
Views: 9090

Re: [Deck] Grixis Death's Shadow

I've been in the habit of boarding out tbr and a bit of discard but I'll admit I'm awful at the mirror and haven't built my sb with it in mind. My poor results in the mirror are pretty much a result of little reps in the mirror
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: Competitive Decks
Topic: Golgari adventures
Replies: 15
Views: 5485

Re: Golgari adventures

I'm still looking for the lists but there was a WPN qualifier at a store somewhere in Québéc (Montreal I think) that had a GB adventures mirror in the finals. I'll try and find the lists to post
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Best/Worst card evaluations?
Replies: 6
Views: 1534

Re: Best/Worst card evaluations?

I had a couple buddies who were convinced mistcaller was the blue answer to decks that cheated creatures into play without paying their mana costs. We're they ever wrong
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: Midrange
Topic: [Deck] Grixis Death's Shadow
Replies: 29
Views: 9090

Re: [Deck] Grixis Death's Shadow

being able to fame your big threat seems really good and can really get people
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: Modern
Topic: Your favorite modern spells by cmc
Replies: 3
Views: 4231

Re: Your favorite modern spells by cmc

1. death's shadow
2. snapcaster mage
3. liliana of the veil
4. jace the mind sculptor
5. lyra dawnbringer
6. tasigur (who pays 6 though?)

guess what decks motleyslayer has played for a majority of his time playing modern?
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: Modern
Topic: [Official] State of Modern Thread (B&R 07/13/2020)
Replies: 9437
Views: 1162942

Re: [Official] State of Modern Thread (B&R 10/21/2019)

gkourou I'm Greek-Canadian, so there's no language barrier on my part. You keep doing the same mistake that I pointed out, but I said my piece so I won't say any more since it's off topic. I came to say that the Face to Face Open+ had a lot of GDS yesterday (including myself) but it looks like a fe...
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: Midrange
Topic: [Deck] Grixis Death's Shadow
Replies: 29
Views: 9090

Re: [Deck] Grixis Death's Shadow

claim//fame and unearth are cards I've thought about a few times but haven't tried them in the deck.

I remember once in the mirror my opponent returned a street wraith with a k command to push through the last bit of damage to win
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: Midrange
Topic: [Deck] Grixis Death's Shadow
Replies: 29
Views: 9090

Re: [Deck] Grixis Death's Shadow

I do have a play set of LotV, I actually was running 2 in the side before the event but I decided to cut them literally the night before (I might have even played fnm with them in). I might slot them back in at events because I think GDS is on the rise in Toronto again (at least at that event it was...
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: Competitive Decks
Topic: Golgari adventures
Replies: 15
Views: 5485

Golgari adventures

I haven't seen any thread for GB/Golgari adventures yet so I decided to make the thread. I'll get around to posting my list but the deck is kinda similar to the GW and GR lists in a sense that it wants to pair edgewall innkeeper with various adventure cards. Like the other variations it gets lovestr...
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: Pioneer
Topic: [Official] Pioneer Prices Discussion
Replies: 40
Views: 17183

Re: [Official] Pioneer Prices Discussion

I should probably get a few liliana, the last hope soon but don't know when to get them
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: Pioneer
Topic: [Official] State of Pioneer Thread (B&R 12/16/2019)
Replies: 439
Views: 91933

Re: [Official] State of Pioneer Thread (B&R 11/11/2019)

the mono black aggro deck seems to be putting up great numbers. recursive threats and copter seem really good
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: Modern
Topic: [Official] State of Modern Thread (B&R 07/13/2020)
Replies: 9437
Views: 1162942

Re: [Official] State of Modern Thread (B&R 10/21/2019)

I feel that having a catchall 2 mana counter like counterspell is probably too good. Maybe |'m overrating it because control isn't great right now but wotc has been really pushing cards like -card]negate[/card] and essence scatter because they are situational
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: Midrange
Topic: [Deck] Grixis Death's Shadow
Replies: 29
Views: 9090

Re: [Deck] Grixis Death's Shadow

went 4-4 at a Face to Face Open + in Toronto yesterday. pretty medium but here's my report round 1 I get crushed by bant snow 0-2. mostly flopped my way around having no clue what to do I hate losing first round Round 2 opponent gets super lucky both games combined with bad draws and get 0-2d by sul...
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: Modern
Topic: [Official] State of Modern Thread (B&R 07/13/2020)
Replies: 9437
Views: 1162942

Re: [Official] State of Modern Thread (B&R 10/21/2019)

I came to say that the Face to Face Open+ had a lot of GDS yesterday (including myself) but it looks like a few people are ahead of me in discussing the deck right now. I actually didn't get paired against any Urza decks yesterday (lifetime matches vs the deck is still at 0) so I don't have an opini...
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: Modern
Topic: Deck Choice V. Format Satisfaction
Replies: 10
Views: 5812

Re: Deck Choice V. Format Satisfaction

1. Grixis shadow usually

2. Now it's midrange in a few flavours depending on my mood. It used to be control but I lean towards midrange now

3. Probably a 3. I've hated it more but loved it more. I haven't been to a competitive event in over a month so my opinion might be outdated
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: MTG Hot Takes
Replies: 28
Views: 4637

Re: MTG Hot Takes

Control mirrors are fun to watch and control is generally fun to play against. Control is a necessary part of the game

I enjoy seeing control on stream

I do also kind of enjoy seeing combo decks against each other on stream
by motleyslayer
4 years ago
Forum: Modern
Topic: [Official] State of Modern Thread (B&R 07/13/2020)
Replies: 9437
Views: 1162942

Re: [Official] State of Modern Thread (B&R 10/21/2019)

I always tell myself I'm gonna try and foil Grixis Shadow out I just haven't gone too far in the process yet. I've seen a fair share when breaching an Emrakul just isn't enough. Also it's a turn slower than twin but just feels a lot worse than twin was, maybe because people don't play around breach...

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