Myr Tribal

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Post by Gashnaw » 3 years ago

Okay so I use MSE to create a Myr Tribal commander, which my friends have allowed me to use.

Myr Commander
Legendary Artifact creature - Myr

Other non-token myr
creatures you control
have ": add "

,: Add

Using this card as my commander, i was hoping to get some help on the meat of the deck. i have access to all colors, but I don't want this to just be 5-color good stuff (If that was the case I would use Sliver Hivelord since he has the added benefit of being indest, and still a 5/5)

There are 35 myr creatures along with Myr turbine and the Myr but not classified as a Myr, Brudiclad, telchor engineer.

So I do plan to run most if not all of those listed. Keeping in mind that i have access to all and 35 non token Myr and they have Psudeo " for " (Was almost thinking making that ability eminence)

I plan to run basic lands with the exception of a few Big ones (Cavern of souls) and I will finally have a deck that will make use of the wastes. (I will run a chunk but not the full deck. i would like to first see what my color spread will be. (I might also run all 10 dual just cause I have em, but not the shocks. (Although, i think this would fare far better with no basics than my dragon deck does with no basics. And my dragon deck does not does not always die to blood moon, in fact once won because of it)

But yeah, when it comes to tribal decks i like to have to commander to be in the tribe and Myr has not had one yet so I made one and want to build a deck around it. (I made M'odo, the Gnarled oracle. and my friends did not like it (Even though it is more legal as a commander than the custom cards), so i changed things up and decided to try something not broken this time.)

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Post by Treamayne » 3 years ago

Might I suggest using the Tribal EDH Varant, which primary say that creature types should be treated like color identity - as long as the creature type is anywhere on the card, the card "meets" tribal requirements.

Myr have 35 creatures (37 with the above rule) and 10 direct Myr related non-creature cards. Plus there is a host of tribal support cards that allow you to choose a creature type.
Looking at the line-up, there is already a lot of support for generating mana from creatures, but the tribe does not have many mana sinks in which to pour that mana. There are only two Myr with an equipment focus, so that might be a stretch as a sub-theme, but some support cards may be good. There are three Myr that focus on token creation, but there are also 10 more Myr support cards that also use tokens (including Brudiclad and the Turbine) - so you may want to focus on going wide with tokens - or generating tokens to fuel other resources (such as Myr Battlesphere, Blasting Station, Carnage Altar, etc.)

I use 12 Wastes in my mono-brown Golem deck (Karn, Silver Golem) and have enjoyed having access to basics for things like Thaumatic Compass // Spires of Orazca, Terrain Generator, and deck thinning with basic search through Evolving Wilds and friends. I've also had reasonable success in my Esper Vehicle deck (Sydri, Galvanic Genius) with making token copies of artifacts like Powerstone Shard, Spine of Ish Sah, wellsprings, etc.; Mirrorworks has been a solid support card to this effect as well in both of those decks. You might also consider Slate of Ancestry as a draw tool, but it is easy to deck yourself if you go too wide (but it can be huge for setting up the end-game in a mana heavy deck).
Gashnaw wrote:
3 years ago
Myr Commander
Legendary Artifact creature - Myr

Other non-token myr
creatures you control
have ": add "

,: Add

... so I changed things up and decided to try something not broken this time.
If that is your goal, this card will probably not qualify. It will be easy to go accidentally infinite with a General's ability where four mana produces five mana and untapping artifacts is astoundingly easy. Especially if that general also enables the whole tribe to also produce mana.

Recommended possible changes:
Change the second ability to ",: Add "; Change the first ability to something like Myr you control have "Sacrifice this creature: Add " (a play on Myr Moonvessel); or possibly change the first ability to a non-mana based Lord bonus and set the second ability to ",: Add " - possibly with a qualifier like "Use this mana only to cast artifact/myr/<something> spells.


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Post by Gashnaw » 3 years ago

Treamayne wrote:
3 years ago

Gashnaw wrote:
3 years ago
Myr Commander
Legendary Artifact creature - Myr

Other non-token myr
creatures you control
have ": add "

,: Add

... so I changed things up and decided to try something not broken this time.
If that is your goal, this card will probably not qualify. It will be easy to go accidentally infinite with a General's ability where four mana produces five mana and untapping artifacts is astoundingly easy. Especially if that general also enables the whole tribe to also produce mana.

Recommended possible changes:
Change the second ability to ",: Add "; Change the first ability to something like Myr you control have "Sacrifice this creature: Add " (a play on Myr Moonvessel); or possibly change the first ability to a non-mana based Lord bonus and set the second ability to ",: Add " - possibly with a qualifier like "Use this mana only to cast artifact/myr/<something> spells.
I don't think the accidental infinite is a huge thing to worry about as we just established, no huge mana sinks. So even if I do get infinite mana, i would need a mana sink for it. I was trying to focus on the OG Myrs (Gold, Silver, Leaden, Iron and copper) in terms of ability. You tap him and essentially get 1 mana. Just like tapping any of the metal myrs. My buddy tried to justify raising teh cost since it goes infinite with Freed form the reel, but i explained that that would use all mana. (Since it essentially only produces 1 extra mana, I see it being no better on the grander scale than the metal myrs.

As for his for ability., it was to keep the myrs producing mana theme. I feel I can still do this without getting TOO nasty so long as I keep away from building mega untap engines. Clock of Omens is an option to get a large amount of mana, but it does require me to tap 8 myr just to get 5 mana. So I don't see this as a major issue

So i just have to keep away from a build that abuses the ability to untap into oblivion.

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Post by Treamayne » 3 years ago

So long as you are aware, your playgroup is aware, and you avoid the pitfalls; then good luck and enjoy.

I can see how the flavor of the first 6 myr led to this design; but I have to admit that the design does not *feel* like a Lord or Legendary Myr. That said, taste is subjective.

What does the filtering give the tribe? Do you have a plan for a reason to need WUBRG mana? Something like Prism Array?


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Post by Gashnaw » 3 years ago

Treamayne wrote:
3 years ago
So long as you are aware, your playgroup is aware, and you avoid the pitfalls; then good luck and enjoy.

I can see how the flavor of the first 6 myr led to this design; but I have to admit that the design does not *feel* like a Lord or Legendary Myr. That said, taste is subjective.

What does the filtering give the tribe? Do you have a plan for a reason to need WUBRG mana? Something like Prism Array?
I was looking for a way to give access to all Myrs and myr related cards, without just slapping WUBRG on the mana cost. I felt that the Metal myrs could play a ole in how to do that and that is what i ended up with.

It might not be the most flavorful for Myr tribal, but it does allow access to all. (I mean not every tribal leader is a "lord".)

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