as much life as you can make in ten turns (with restrictions)

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Post by folding_music » 3 weeks ago

The point here is to make as much life as possible in ten turns. to make yr own deck, choose a block (or construct yr own block by picking three sets which are centred around the same plane? up to you!) and construct from it any sixty card deck. it's more fun if you choose earlier sets, from before you could just do anything you liked on a whim. if you find an infinite it's up to you whether you want to construct it - part of the point is having a solo deck you can refine and gamble against yrself with and get a new high score, reaching an infinitely high value pretty much nails the coffin shut

masques block:
line up a bunch of guys on the chopping block and Renounce them all at the last moment
power level: 3/10??? thank god rhystic caves exists

champions of kamigawa block:
god, I've always wanted to do this and it's so freeing. every card in the deck fires that Spirit or Arcane line and it feels so fun
power level: 5/10?? i got over 200 life with this one. sac'ing Elder Pine to the Well and fetching Hana Kami back is the play

fun? i love this kind of mtg sideline

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Lorn Asbord Schutta
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Post by Lorn Asbord Schutta » 3 weeks ago

Is this supposed to be solitaire, or multiplayer (1v1 or more) experience? It seems more like a former, but I can imagine it as a latter.
Players start at 20 life. After ten turn cycles the player who gained the most life over the course of game wins. Players cannot win or lose the game in any other way, notably having 0 or less life does not cause you to lose the game. You cannot pay life for any cost you cannot pay entirely for without going below 0 life. Until you have 1 or more life, you do not lose life, including by being dealt damage, although damage is still dealt for any effect caring about it. Everything else follows comprehensive rules.
I think I am going to make a cube list for such a format. Thank you for inspiration!

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Post by folding_music » 3 weeks ago

Lorn Asbord Schutta wrote:
3 weeks ago
Is this supposed to be solitaire, or multiplayer (1v1 or more) experience? It seems more like a former, but I can imagine it as a latter.
Players start at 20 life. After ten turn cycles the player who gained the most life over the course of game wins. Players cannot win or lose the game in any other way, notably having 0 or less life does not cause you to lose the game. You cannot pay life for any cost you cannot pay entirely for without going below 0 life. Until you have 1 or more life, you do not lose life, including by being dealt damage, although damage is still dealt for any effect caring about it. Everything else follows comprehensive rules.
I think I am going to make a cube list for such a format. Thank you for inspiration!
it's intended to be solitaire! but you can take it in any direction you like :3 the cube idea sounds fun, like old chaos casual with a three turn grace period taken to its limit

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Post by folding_music » 3 weeks ago

modern horizons is broken.png
was trying this for MH1, MH2, MH3. second time attempting and it goes infinite so uhhhh
fetched Chatterfang with The Hunger Tide Rises just to see how good he was (he was too good)

it's almost as if legendary creatures printed in modern horizons are a bit too good :B shame, I was looking forward to sac'ing the Construct to a Disciple of Freyalise :))))))))))

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Post by folding_music » 2 weeks ago

zen ogw znr 10l.png
okay, this was just a first draft. It's a hybrid Zendikar block made up of: ZEN, OGW, ZNR
i gained over 2,000 life and realized some of the cards in the deck were useless, particularly that any green Ally would be better than the inscriptions... no way to go infinite but plenty of ways to SCALE. also very time consuming to play ten turns of in cockatrice. would need so many dice IRL and some of the cards are expensive to obtain.
definitely the scariest plane for lifegain so far!

edit: going to WWK for Jwari Shapeshifter and Harabaz Druid is probably better than Ayli but I'm scared

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