July MCC, Judge Signups

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Undersea Emperor
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Post by void_nothing » 4 days ago

Banner based on Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury, by Lucas Graciano and Wizards of the Coast. Thanks to bravelion83 for the "Core Set Style" MCC Logo
It's time for a new month in the MCC, which means we are in need of volunteers to judge! This is an important job that is vital for the functioning of the monthly contests, and first-time volunteers are welcome as long as they are willing to complete the task below.

If you have ever judged the MCC before, simply reply to this thread to sign up. If you have not, the only thing required of you is to judge the sample card below according to the MCC rubric, which is also provided. Note that the sample card will intentionally have one or more Quality errors in it, and please assume that it gets 2/2 in subchallenges for the sake of convenience.
Sample card
Goldenmerit Coat 1W
Enchantment - Aura (R)
As an additional cast to cast this spell, target opponent creates three Treasure tokens.
Enchant creature or planeswalker
Enchanted permanent has ward 3. If it's a creature, at the beginning of your upkeep, put two +1/+1 counters on it. If it's a planeswalker, at the beginning of your upkeep, put two loyalty counters on it.
MCC Rubric
The MCC Rubric is given below, in an easily "copy and pasted" form. (Courtesy of Rithaniel.)

Code: Select all

[b](X/3) Appeal[/b] - Do the different player psychographics (Timmy/Johhny/Spike) have a use for the card?
[b](X/3) Elegance[/b] - Is the card easily understandable at a glance? Do all the flavor and mechanics combined as a whole make sense?
[b](X/3) Viability[/b] - How well does the card fit into the color wheel? Does it break or bend the rules of the game? Is it the appropriate rarity?
[b](X/3) Balance[/b] - Does the card have a power level appropriate for contemporary constructed/limited environments without breaking them? Does it play well in casual and multiplayer formats? Does it create or fit into a deck/archetype? Does it create an oppressive environment?
[b](X/3) Uniqueness[/b] - Has a card like this ever been printed before? Does it use new mechanics, ideas, or design space? Does it combine old ideas in a new way? Overall, does it feel "fresh"?
[b](X/3) Flavor[/b] - Does the name seem realistic for a card? Does the flavor text sound professional? Do all the flavor elements synch together to please Vorthos players?
[b](X/3) Quality[/b] - Points deducted for incorrect spelling, grammar, and templating.
[b](X/2) Main Challenge (*)[/b] - Was the main challenge satisfied? Was it approached in a unique or interesting way? Does the card fit the intent of the challenge?
[b](X/2) Subchallenges[/b] - One point awarded per satisfied subchallenge condition.
[b]Total: X/25[/b]
*An entry with 0 points here is subject to disqualification.
Judge signups will stay open until the design deadline for Round 1 or until we get enough judges, whichever comes first. The judge signups will be going on in parallel with Round 1.

As a final note, please only volunteer if you think you will have a couple of hours a week (maximum) total free this month in order to complete the tasks of a judge. All your role will entail will be posting your considered and honest judgments for each contestant's card you are assigned for all four rounds.
Psst, check the second page of Custom Card Contests & Games! Because of the daily contests, a lot of games fall down to there.

The greatest (fake) pro wrestling on the internet - Collaborative Create-A-Booster - My random creations (updated regularly)

Important Facts: Colorless is not a color, Wastes is not a land type, Changeling is not a creature type

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Post by Ink-Treader » 4 days ago

If Leo wants to participate, I'll gladly judge. This should be fun

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OTJ MCC going on now
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Post by bravelion83 » 3 days ago

No, I want to judge. We had already agreed with void behind the scenes that I would have judged this month, and I think I will have way more fun this month as a judge seeing what you all can come up with. I can just post in the DCC the cards I would have submitted here, I want to see (and judge) yours. Thanks you anyway, Ink-Treader. As far as I'm concerned, void can consider you a reserve judge if he wants. As for me, I can't wait to see what you in particular, and the rest of the community, can come up with!

Also, I hope there is no problem with me saying this publicly, technically both using MH3 as the theme of the month AND the Main Challenge for Round 1 are mine, void just polished up a couple details in my proposed Main Challenge and added the Subchallenges. Given that, I'm too involved with the creation of the theme and this round's Main Challenge, and it wouldn't feel fair to me to the other players if I played this month. I don't want to be a player with advance knowledge, it wouldn't be fair. That's the main reason I want to judge this month. I'm almost a co-host if you want to see it that way. Just saying this for full transparency. And anyway, while I have given void ideas about potential topics for future rounds, I have no idea of the other challenges this month. But again, having given ideas to the host I know with high probability what will be in future rounds, so again, that wouldn't be fair either if I played. I would have hosted myself a month for MH3 and I wanted to do that but I didn't know where to make it fit with my usual premier-set-themed months. I didn't want to host two months in a row for OTJ and MH3 and then again in two months (September) for Bloomburrow. This problem will show up again towards the end of this year though, in September I'm doing BLB 100%, I want to do it. On the 27th of that same month (September), Duskmourn will already be released though. And then Foundations in November. Which set do I use for December: Duskmourn, which came out two months earlier though but it's a premier set, or Foundations, which is the newest set but not a premier set technically? I believe the dates (Foundations being released on November 15th) will require me to use Foundations for December, which means that I will skip Duskmourn, which is also convenient to me by the way because let's just say that I'm not the biggest fan of the horror genre. So somebody else will have to use Duskmourn as a theme in either October or November. May I suggest somebody else hosting a Duskmourn month on October ending with Halloween? Which by the way I'm sure it's the exact reason they wanted Duskmourn to be released before October... I'm also posting this in the discussion thread, I feel like this last part belongs more there.
Author of the MCC Guidelines and FAQ. | The June MCC is ongoing. Theme is OTJ. Most recent thread: Round 4 (finals). Extended judging deadline on July 3rd.

For my projects (Jeff Lionheart, "One pierced heart, two mindful horns", republished articles from my series "The Lion's Lair", and custom sets), see Leo's content index (Last updated on April 25th 2024 - Added TLL #5).
After I'm done republishing my articles I want to reprise the series focusing it more on editing, wording, and templating. Suggest potential future article topics here.
My CCCG Resume (Updated on June 4th 2024)
Blue = MTGSalvation Green = MTGNexus
MCC - Winner (9): Oct 2014, Apr Nov 2017, Jan 2018, Apr Jun 2019, Jan Mar 2022, Apr 2023 || Host (31): Dec 2014, Apr Jul Aug Dec 2015, Mar Jul Aug Oct 2016, Feb Jul 2017, Jun Nov 2018, Feb Jul 2019 (last on MTGS), Aug 2019 (first on MTGN) Oct 2019, Jan Jun 2020 Apr Oct 2021, Feb May Sep Dec 2022, Mar Jun Sep Dec 2023, Mar Jun 2024 || Judge (59): every month from Nov 2014 to Nov 2016 except Oct 2015, every month from Feb to Jul 2017 except Apr 2017, then Oct 2017, May Jun Nov 2018, Feb Jul 2019 (last on MTGS), every month from Aug 2019 (first on MTGN) to Feb 2020, May Jun 2020, Mar Apr Sep Oct 2021, Feb May Sep Dec 2022, Mar May Jun Sep Dec 2023, Jan Mar Jun 2024
CCL - Winner (4): Jul 2016 (tied with Flatline), May 2017, Jul 2019 (last on MTGS), Jun 2021 (tied with slimytrout) || Host (5): Feb 2015, Mar Apr May Jun 2016
DCC - Winner (4): Mar 2015 (tied with Piar), Feb Apr 2022, Apr 2024 || Host (16): May Oct 2015, Jan 2016, Jun Sep Dec 2021, Mar Jun Sep Dec 2022, Mar Jun Sep Dec 2023, Mar Jun 2024

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