Nadu, Winged Wisdom - There is a new King of the cEDH table

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Post by darrenhabib » 2 weeks ago

I'm just going to keep reporting on games as I keep on winning and from super unlikely positions.

I messed up and I keep a hand thinking I had a green source to cast Birds of Paradise on Turn 1, but it was Gaea's Cradle (I blame the art work :P ). And I went last.
So I proceeded to do nothing for 3 turns.
Yup I messed up bad keeping this hand.


It kind of worked out because Tevesh played an Orcish Bowmasters and would have pinged my 1/1 creatures anyway.

But this is my 4th turn and start with nothing on the board and the Tevesh had it all. I didn't draw any mana sources.
I steal the Orcish Bowmasters as I'm desperate to get traction with mana dorks and creatures for Gaea's Cradle. Unfortunately Tevesh has ward 3, so can't steal him. I've just got to rely on Yawgmoth, Thran Physician not getting creatures to sac to ping my creatures.


So my question "is it reasonable that from this position I should win the game?".
The trick is that I have an enabler in hand, the Umbral Mantle (the worst of the equipment) and 3x creatures on the board.
This is the start of my turn.


I play out the Nadu, Caterpillar, and the Umbral Mantle (okay the Gaea's Cradle finally did some work) and the answer is yes, you are easily going to win from here with 10x triggers on the board.
The Yawgmoth, Thran Physician tried to ping some stuff, but as they had to sacrifice Sheoldred, the Apocalypse or K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth, you can understand that they were not willing to at the start just to ping 1/1s with the Tevesh player being so strong.


Then finally what the turn looks like. Note I play through Sheoldred, the Apocalypse just fine as I'm not "drawing" cards and I'm not even giving Talion, the Kindly Lord any cards to disrupt me as I don't need to cast many spells in the winner turn.
The only card I cast after that is Chord of Calling for Scute Swarm.

Turn 5 win for a 11/12 record.


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Post by benjameenbear » 2 weeks ago

Thanks for continuing to report on these games. The more I see Nadu in action, the more I think it's a problem.

While it's unlikely to be banned, it DEFINITELY demands an adjustment in deck-building for more creature spot removal and answers. I definitely think Strix Serenade should pick up in popularity since it's a 1-mana answer to Nadu and the equipment enablers.

I've been strongly considering Dismember as well. Another 1-mana answer that also kills Kraum seems pretty good right now.

Do you think anyone really realizes how powerful Nadu is at this moment? It seems like it consistently slides under the radar in the early turns (granted, I probably would have let you slide underneath me as well, given your board and mana state).

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Post by pokken » 2 weeks ago

Safekeeping targets your creatures and permanents, and you're usually the beatdown, so I think it's usually better than Dispel. There are a deceptive number of random abilities and non-instant spells/effects that see random play.

You're gonna lose games due to not being able to dispel a pact, but I think you'll win more due to being able to start the chain by targeting your own bros and having better protection. YMMV.

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Post by pokken » 2 weeks ago

One thing that occurred to me in the other thread is that Phantasmal Image effects may be pretty good in nadu even in cedh. You image nadu let him die and reset all your dudes. Then you can kill the image one.

Probably Flesh Duplicate is the correct one to try since it doesn't die to being targeted.

The idea is you only have to hit 5 mana to recast nadu and start the chain again too.

Reminds me that Dizzy Spell can get Shuko whee

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Post by darrenhabib » 2 weeks ago

benjameenbear wrote:
2 weeks ago
Do you think anyone really realizes how powerful Nadu is at this moment? It seems like it consistently slides under the radar in the early turns (granted, I probably would have let you slide underneath me as well, given your board and mana state).
I've played two games where people have also played Nadu, so it going to be the hot newness tried by serious cEDH on other platforms like cockatrice, spellbook, paper.
At the moment it is still going under the radar as definitely plays could be made by opponents to jump the gun and try to stop the combos happening. In the future opponents are going to have to really focus resources on stopping the Nadu player.
pokken wrote:
2 weeks ago
One thing that occurred to me in the other thread is that Phantasmal Image effects may be pretty good in nadu even in cedh. You image nadu let him die and reset all your dudes. Then you can kill the image one.

Probably Flesh Duplicate is the correct one to try since it doesn't die to being targeted.
I didn't think about this. Obviously the Phantasmal Image isn't so great because of sac when targeted, and there will be times where you just want to copy a mana dork to have more creatures for targeting on the board.
Flesh Duplicate looks good, I'll definitely test it.

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Post by pokken » 2 weeks ago

I think neoforming a dork into flesh duplicate could be a really powerful way to prevent a combo stall (and nf has application for finding scute swarm off a 2 drop too, or trinket mage)

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Post by darrenhabib » 2 weeks ago

pokken wrote:
2 weeks ago
I think neoforming a dork into flesh duplicate could be a really powerful way to prevent a combo stall (and nf has application for finding scute swarm off a 2 drop too, or trinket mage)
It really does come down to a free targeter + Nadu, so Neoform would more than likely get Unctus, Grand Metatect (or Trinket Mage) rather than Flesh Duplicate in most cases.
Then you did have free targeter + Nadu, then it's going to be Springheart Nantuko or Scute Swarm as you say instead.
Summoner's Pact is another card that could be played, although the only targeters are Sylvan Safekeeper, Bristly Bill, Spine Sower and Elvish Herder (if you've got good amounts of mana to invest).

It's unlikely that I'm going to sacrifice Aphetto Alchemist or Seeker of Skybreak. Unless you play them the same turn, so that is a 4 mana play with Neoform.
Bristly Bill, Spine Sower and Springheart Nantuko are probably unlikely as well.
So that leaves Spellskite, Thassa's Oracle, Lotus Cobra at the two cmc. Unfortunately Gilded Drake and Volatile Stormdrake could be anything.
So the more likely play is Neoform with a one mana creature.
Aphetto Alchemist or Seeker of Skybreak would be the enabler targets, but this is another turn needed.
Bristly Bill, Spine Sower or Springheart Nantuko being other targets.
I'm not sure how good Neoform would be at this stage.

I did take out Invasion of Ikoria because there is this balance of just wanting cheap creatures as quickly as possible and Invasion is +gg to your creature.

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Post by darrenhabib » 2 weeks ago

Went 2/3 today. Went last in two of them.
Played against another Nadu in one game and had to spend my Pongify on their Nadu. It did feel bad giving them a trigger. Sisay player combo'ed, because well I was the only one with disruption and went last.

Won a game on third turn with Shuko in hand start and some mana dorks. I had March of Swirling Mist to stop a Dualcaster Mage and Twin Flame combo.

Won on third turn in last game because my opponents scooped to me starting to use Aphetto Alchemist. An opponent tried to Swords to Plowshares my Aphetto with Nadu on the stack, and I played Legolas's Quick Reflexes to protect it and then killed all the creatures on the board. First time I've had that combo.

That's a 13/15 record.

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Post by darrenhabib » 1 week ago

Another day of flawless victories. Won 3 games all on Turn 4. I've really learned to just keep average hands. I'm so used to feeling I have to have perfect starts with cEDH decks that I often keep mulling, looking for super quick mana or disruption. But I feel with Nadu, its up to the opponents to mulligan in order to have a quick start against me. And often this just means that they mulligan until they are lower on resources. That doesn't mean I don't mulligan, but I'm more secure in just keeping hands that are fine.

I've made some changes. Upped the land count to 31 and replaced Tamiyo's Safekeeping with Dispel.

So the salt is starting for sure. I've got a Tymna/Kraum player who has blocked me because I keep winning against them, which was arguable the best deck in the format, you know prior to Nadu. Like literally blocked me because they don't want to lose another game.

That's a 16/18 record.

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Post by pokken » 1 week ago

In CEDH, for the most part, your commander needs to represent either 1) a crapload of cards (Tymna the Weaver) , or 2) a wincondition (Najeela, the Blade-Blossom). And the more colors the better as long as blue is in there.

There are...not really any cards comparable to Nadu who represents both a win condition and a crapload of cards, and good colors.

Tivit, Seller of Secrets is probably the most comparable but Tivit requires you to have great ramp in your opener. Nadu is happy with Birds of Paradise. Deploying Nadu on turn 2 consistently is basically representing a turn 4 kill most games.

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Post by benjameenbear » 1 week ago

pokken wrote:
1 week ago
In CEDH, for the most part, your commander needs to represent either 1) a crapload of cards (Tymna the Weaver) , or 2) a wincondition (Najeela, the Blade-Blossom). And the more colors the better as long as blue is in there.

There are...not really any cards comparable to Nadu who represents both a win condition and a crapload of cards, and good colors.

Tivit, Seller of Secrets is probably the most comparable but Tivit requires you to have great ramp in your opener. Nadu is happy with Birds of Paradise. Deploying Nadu on turn 2 consistently is basically representing a turn 4 kill most games.
This. All of this. While I dig the fact that Blue Farm is being displaced by Nadu... that's also pretty worrisome to me as well.

Hell, I might bite the bullet and build a "budget" version of this list. The crazy part? As long as it has a few key cards... it will still probably destroy the table and overwhelm them in cards and mana. At that point, your win condition is whatever you want. Craterhoof Behemoth? Sure. Beastmaster Ascension? Probably doable. I've never seen as powerful of an engine in the Command Zone than Nadu.

EDIT: Posting a "budget" list for myself for reference.

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Post by darrenhabib » 1 week ago

benjameenbear wrote:
1 week ago
Hell, I might bite the bullet and build a "budget" version of this list. The crazy part? As long as it has a few key cards... it will still probably destroy the table and overwhelm them in cards and mana. At that point, your win condition is whatever you want. Craterhoof Behemoth? Sure. Beastmaster Ascension? Probably doable. I've never seen as powerful of an engine in the Command Zone than Nadu.
My original drafting of the deck had more landfall enablers, and I do think that a more budget version of a Nadu could lean into being more of a lands deck, so say 38 lands, and then play more landfall for triggers.
Roaring Earth, Retreat to Kazandu, Turntimber Basilisk.

Some number of "man lands" would be nice to help with additional creatures.
Blinkmoth Nexus, Mishra's Factory are the cheapest untapped lands.
If you went down this path then Stone-Seeder Hierophant could be used as an engine card.
Khalni Garden produces a creature.
Also lands that have an ETB trigger that targets a creature could be the one. They should be "freebies" in most cases.
Soaring Seacliff, Turntimber Grove, Llanowar Reborn.

Territory Culler could be a nice way to filter cards better for stringing together more landfall triggers.

Don't forget Seeker of Skybreak, Elvish Herder, Indigo Faerie.

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Post by pokken » 1 week ago

Living Plane in a casual build :D For days.

The general attitude toward Nadu on CEDHReddit is "whatever, dies to doom blade" which I find hilarious. lots of "turn time is too long" complaints (which you'll note I called out as the major issue in the ban thread). but there are some serious complaints and this thread is funny:

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Post by benjameenbear » 1 week ago

So I played against Nadu a couple of times last night, and it didn't win at all. I think it's because I table-talked the table into respecting it and also the Nadu's skill level might be questionable.

But it also had a ROUGH couple of games. Here's my game reports, which I'm also posting in my Tevesh + Thras thread.

G1 I played against Blue Farm, Nadu, and a noncEDH style Voja (it's all the dude had that was vaguely good enough to keep up).

Blue Farm won the roll and went first. Blue Farm plays Ragavan, Nadu plays a dork, I do Vault, and Voja plays a dork. T&K plays a T2 Drannith. There goes my T2 Tevesh heh. Then, Nadu plays a Metamorph as a copy of Drannith. I stare at my Cyc Rift, realizing I'm probably gonna have to try and cast it if I want any chance of playing. I get flooded on lands (even after keeping a 3-land hand, tears!) and finally get to 7 mana on T4. At this point, Blue Farm main phases Ad Naus and goes down to 1 life... but whiffs. Nadu still can't do anything, so I endstep Rift to try and claw back into the game and draw some sort of interaction for the ThOracle we all know is coming. I cast Tevesh and Thras, sac the Thrasios... and draw zero counterspells (having tapped out). Having failed to draw anything relevant all game, the turn goes to Blue Farm who ThOracle's with no interaction from anyone.

G2 I played against Sisay (same Blue Farm player), Nadu, and a better-tuned Nekusar.

Sisay goes first and plays a Ragavan. Nadu plays the Surveil land (didn't mull for a dork), and I go fetch → Crypt → Sol Ring → Petal → turbo Tevesh and spawn some tokens. I also had Cradle in my hand as well. Nekusar plays a land. Sisay plays a Lotho (hah!) and attacks the Nadu player, stealing their dork. Nadu untaps, plays a land, and passes (I'm skeptical about pilot ability at this point). I play my Cradle, draw Rollick, play Thrasios, and spawn some more Thrulls to threaten the ultimate. Nekusar plays Arcane Signet, passes. Sisay attacks the Nekusar player with Ragavan, then casts Sisay. I decide to hold my Rollick. Nadu misses their land drop (!) and plays a mana dork. I untap, make some more Thrulls, and play a One Ring and activate Thrasios to put a land into play. Nekusar plays Magus of the Wheel. Sisay untaps and goes to activate Sisay. I Rollick in response, he casts Dovin's Veto. Oof. He's short mana for another activation so he gets the black enchantment that boosts Sisay to 7 power and flying and swings at Tevesh. Nadu plays Nadu, and passes. I untap, draw ThOracle, double tutor for free protection, and ThOracle after countering Nadu's Negation with my Guardianship.

I think this confirms my overall suspicions that Nadu without Nadu in play is just a mediocre deck. So, I think this justifies adding in more removal to the deck. I'm probably between one of the Drakes (Stormchaser or Gilded) or maybe Dismember. Dismember hits Sisay, Kraum, Nadu, and Pako, so I kinda like this potential addition.

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Post by darrenhabib » 1 week ago

benjameenbear wrote:
1 week ago
Blue Farm won the roll and went first. Blue Farm plays Ragavan, Nadu plays a dork, I do Vault, and Voja plays a dork. T&K plays a T2 Drannith.

I think this confirms my overall suspicions that Nadu without Nadu in play is just a mediocre deck. So, I think this justifies adding in more removal to the deck. I'm probably between one of the Drakes (Stormchaser or Gilded) or maybe Dismember. Dismember hits Sisay, Kraum, Nadu, and Pako, so I kinda like this potential addition.
My first loss was to Drannith Magistrate and yes without Nadu the deck does nothing. Like it has disruption and interaction to keep the game going for a bit, but it has no game plan of its own outside of Nadu.

Thats why I run both Stormchaser and Gilded for fear of losing control of Nadu via the exact same two cards :P

Obviously against removal it still has a game plan of playing out lands and casting again.
Of note I don't cast Nadu until I have an enabler, which is a piloting thing which probably most average players fall into the trap of just jam it out there. The only time I've played Nadu without an enabler is because I literally had nothing else to do.
There is going to be plenty of deck building and piloting errors with a new Commander for sure.

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Post by benjameenbear » 1 week ago

darrenhabib wrote:
1 week ago
benjameenbear wrote:
1 week ago
Blue Farm won the roll and went first. Blue Farm plays Ragavan, Nadu plays a dork, I do Vault, and Voja plays a dork. T&K plays a T2 Drannith.

I think this confirms my overall suspicions that Nadu without Nadu in play is just a mediocre deck. So, I think this justifies adding in more removal to the deck. I'm probably between one of the Drakes (Stormchaser or Gilded) or maybe Dismember. Dismember hits Sisay, Kraum, Nadu, and Pako, so I kinda like this potential addition.
My first loss was to Drannith Magistrate and yes without Nadu the deck does nothing. Like it has disruption and interaction to keep the game going for a bit, but it has no game plan of its own outside of Nadu.

Thats why I run both Stormchaser and Gilded for fear of losing control of Nadu via the exact same two cards :P

Obviously against removal it still has a game plan of playing out lands and casting again.
Of note I don't cast Nadu until I have an enabler, which is a piloting thing which probably most average players fall into the trap of just jam it out there. The only time I've played Nadu without an enabler is because I literally had nothing else to do.
There is going to be plenty of deck building and piloting errors with a new Commander for sure.
Do you think it's possible to build a more good-stuff Simic package into the deck to reduce reliance on Nadu? Or is Nadu simply too consistent to not need anything else? I've seen a few games now where Nadu or one of his enablers gets shut down and the deck just kinda sits there and REALLY durdles until it loses. While there is a disparity of game skill amongst Nadu pilots atm (I think), I wonder if the deck should be built with a fallback plan. Like, maybe equipment beats? Or Beastmaster Ascension since this deck can churn out bodies quickly?

EDIT: I'm thinking something like Eternal Witness + Ghostly Flicker + Cloud of Faeries/Peregrine Drake. It turns Nadu into an infinite mana outlet to draw your deck while also having strong synergies with what the deck wants to do. "Free spells" that untap lands seem to be REALLY good for the deck since you can refund mana to put a new body into play that can then be targeted again.

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Post by pokken » 1 week ago

more removal, or possibly a Command Beacon / Crop Rotation package?

Since Shifting Woodland can become Shuko might be worth that too :D

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Post by darrenhabib » 1 week ago

benjameenbear wrote:
1 week ago
Do you think it's possible to build a more good-stuff Simic package into the deck to reduce reliance on Nadu? Or is Nadu simply too consistent to not need anything else? I've seen a few games now where Nadu or one of his enablers gets shut down and the deck just kinda sits there and REALLY durdles until it loses. While there is a disparity of game skill amongst Nadu pilots atm (I think), I wonder if the deck should be built with a fallback plan. Like, maybe equipment beats? Or Beastmaster Ascension since this deck can churn out bodies quickly?

EDIT: I'm thinking something like Eternal Witness + Ghostly Flicker + Cloud of Faeries/Peregrine Drake. It turns Nadu into an infinite mana outlet to draw your deck while also having strong synergies with what the deck wants to do. "Free spells" that untap lands seem to be REALLY good for the deck since you can refund mana to put a new body into play that can then be targeted again.
So I've gone 2/5 in the last couple of days, for a more humbling record. But it had nothing to do with Nadu being shut out or anything like that, it's simply that my opponents also play decks that can "do their thing" and combo on Turn 3, and statistically speaking you should only go first 1/4 games. I went last in a couple of them.

My opinion is that you are going to have a better win percent if you focus your deck, rather than have backup ways in the cases that you've been shut out in some way. I've always maintained this around any deck design.
And losing to other decks that combo on the third turn consistently highlights this more. Losing to other decks that get to do their combos is going to happen more often than you get shut out of yours.

Having said that the Eternal Witness + Ghostly Flicker + Cloud of Faeries is a fairly tight package. You would need also need Gaea's Cradle or Ancient Tomb in this particular deck.
You could certainly argue for Cloud of Faeries as I had it on my potential list when first drafting the deck as a "free" creature (like Ornithopter, etc).
Ghostly Flicker is pretty borderline as an enabler, for a couple of triggers, or maybe one and a mana source in tight spots. Or resetting Nadu, but that means you already have an enabler, which often just means you are winning anyway. It would be one of the weakest cards in the deck.
Eternal Witness is a very high costed creature in this strategy. It's best use would be if an opponent had removal for an equipment.

That's a 18/23 record, but you know still deece.
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Post by darrenhabib » 1 week ago

pokken wrote:
1 week ago
more removal, or possibly a Command Beacon / Crop Rotation package?

Since Shifting Woodland can become Shuko might be worth that too :D
I've actually been rocking Crop Rotation in the last couple of games. The thing is that I don't actually have Sea Kings' Blessing and Sylvan Paradise in the deck as they are not available on Magic Online.
So I can't truly test this list as these are actually some of the most powerful cards in the deck, as I have experienced Sway of Illusion being great. The fact that these cards don't actually need to resolve to get the effects is incredible. Opponent has a Flusterstorm, no problem, go ahead counter it, in the mean time I'll get 6x triggers.
However what it does allow me to do is have 2 slots for trying other cards.
I had a game where I hit Field of the Dead as my last trigger with Shuko, so would have had to pass the turn, but it allowed me to keep comboing. Not that passing the turn is terrible, but cEDH has small windows where opponent can also combo off/win.
I was like Crop Rotation can be a more efficient Chord of Calling when you are going for Springheart Nantuko or Scute Swarm more often that not with the search creature cards.

Command Beacon is a way to get around Drannith Magistrate. It could be a pretty good choice for a 32 land.
But then colored mana is better and Shifting Woodland is a great card. I guess a delirium check is needed:
Fetchlands are probably going to get you a land.
100% you are going to have an instant.
In the case of there hasn't been removal for a creature, blocking could be a cheeky way to get you a creature.
There are only 2 sorcery in the deck.
Lotus Petal, Jeweled Lotus, Haywire Mite are the best bets at artifacts.
You could argue that the main use of Shifting Woodland would be for an equipment, so you'd have artifact covered (by the removal that happened).
Shifting Woodland wouldn't be that great copying Aphetto Alchemist or Seeker of Skybreak as it only lasts for a turn and 4 mana isn't going to be feasible on multiple turns.
So I think the delirium check is okay? You know land, instant, artifact, with the 4th probably being a creature.

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Post by pokken » 1 week ago

darrenhabib wrote:
1 week ago
So I think the delirium check is okay? You know land, instant, artifact, with the 4th probably being a creature.

hey at least Mystic Remora self-sacrifices :D So you've got a decent fighting chance of getting Enchantments, especially given how often remora is keepable (blue + remora = gg mostly :D)

I think the thing I dig about it is you could be very surprising at end step after they Mental Misstep shuko or something, crop rotate then go for it.

reminds me, I mentioned Dizzy Spell but I think this deck would probably play Grim Tutor so it should probably play Dizzy Spell :D
(especially when its failure mode is cycle on nadu :D)

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Post by darrenhabib » 1 week ago

pokken wrote:
1 week ago
reminds me, I mentioned Dizzy Spell but I think this deck would probably play Grim Tutor so it should probably play Dizzy Spell :D
(especially when its failure mode is cycle on nadu :D)
It's a 3 mana sorcery tutor, so maybe Whir of Invention at instant speed is better?
Fabricate can get you any artifact, so sometimes you'll need that Mana Crypt instead.
I get that it can be a Growth Spiral when Nadu is on the table, but maybe other tutors are more flexible?
I tried Tribute Mage but it ended up sitting in my hand the games I drew it, and that's only one more mana. I just combo'ed with other cards when I had drawn the Tribute Mage.

On a different topic a card I've been thinking about is Paradise Mantle. Now without haste it doesn't combo the same as the other equipment.
But I think it still can be an enabler like Elvish Herder with an upside that you can get mana out of the non-mana creatures if they don't have summoning sickness.
I'm going to try it over Indigo Faerie.

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Post by pokken » 1 week ago

Whir of Invention only gets shuko (and both other artifacts :D), but Dizzy Spell gets Elvish Herder or Allosaurus Shepherd or Mystic Remora for combo insurance or Flusterstorm.


Paradise Mantle seems okay. most of the cedh builds are playing it.

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Post by benjameenbear » 1 week ago

Calling all people who want to discuss Nadu and cEDH generally to this thread @yeti1069 @Dunadain @DirkGently (if you feel so inclined).

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Post by darrenhabib » 1 week ago

pokken wrote:
1 week ago
Whir of Invention only gets shuko (and both other artifacts :D), but Dizzy Spell gets Elvish Herder or Allosaurus Shepherd or Mystic Remora for combo insurance or Flusterstorm.


Paradise Mantle seems okay. most of the cedh builds are playing it.
I will say not having Sea Kings' Blessing and Sylvan Paradise in the deck has been a real downside.
The last game I played if they were in the deck I could have gone off. I specifically had one Blue mana and one Green mana untapped and drew a Mystical Tutor. I had Sylvan Safekeeper as an small enabler, so I could have Mystical Tutor for Sylvan Paradise and drew it with Sylvan Safekeeper. I had like 7 creatures in play so would have gone off. However instead I had to pass the turn. Luckily I still won, but I had to pass to a Winota, Joiner of Forces who was setup, so thought I was going to lose, just because of this.
I'm bringing up the Sea Kings' Blessing/Sylvan Paradise because Dizzy Spell could search for these, and uncounterable tutor (transmute) into uncounterable triggers is SUPER good in situations where you know you have opponents staring you down with counterspells.
The others can get the enablers (Shuko, etc) but they will be countered if possible.

I'm probably going to make this into a paper deck, and with Sea Kings' Blessing and Sylvan Paradise, I probably will go down the Dizzy Spell path.
Cavern of Souls is another land I could into, if metas change into the must counter deck designs.

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Post by pokken » 1 week ago

Yeah because nadu doesn't care about those spells resolving it is extra good. I think I thought about that originally and then forgot :D

Good thinking

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