[ELD] 4 Cards from Gamespot

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Post by Serpent_Steve » 4 years ago

Wow that Worthy Knight is awesome for Knight Tribal. Might make a new standard deck with them in it.

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Post by Cyberium » 4 years ago

I don't suppose there's an uncommon knight legend for each color?

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Pouncing Kavu
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Post by Pouncing Kavu » 4 years ago

If I Twin Bolt and hit two players, do I get to exile two cards with Carah?

Either way, Char is really good with this, since it doesn't specify opponents. You can kill a creature and get a pseudo-draw.

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Post by JovialJovian » 4 years ago

Pouncing Kavu wrote:
4 years ago
If I Twin Bolt and hit two players, do I get to exile two cards with Carah?
Yes, that'll work.

These uncommon legends are looking pretty good!

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Post by Max Rebo » 4 years ago

Ummmm........Claim the Firstborn is RIDICULOUS..........1 mana to steal a 3cmc or less drop...holy bananas

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Post by pierreb » 4 years ago

And if you play burn, you could chain spells at a furious rate. Good thing she costs 5 to make her unplayable in modern.

That Worthy Knight though... I believe humans already plays a few knight? I'l have to go through the type lines... (hum thalia is a solider, same for lieutenant... oh well) although being a cast trigger makes it bad with aether vial.

searing barrage is a great limited card if you can be mainly red in draft.

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Post by Serenade » 4 years ago

Cyberium wrote:
4 years ago
I don't suppose there's an uncommon knight legend for each color?
Yeah, they said that with Konrad's reveal.

That Threaten variant is amazing.
Mirri, Cat Warrior counts as a Cat Warrior.

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The Fluff
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Post by The Fluff » 4 years ago

the 2 cmc knight looks really strong.

another variant of a "searing" spell. Unfortunately, unusable in modern burn because costs too much.
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Post by RxPhantom » 4 years ago

I thought Wrangle was a good deal. Sheesh.
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Post by Mookie » 4 years ago

Worthy Knight looks like a respectable payoff for Knight tribal. Comparable to Hero of Precinct One, although obviously different requirements.

Claim the Firstborn is adorable. I'm a big fan of miniature versions of cards (Unearth, Natural State, Spell Snare, etc). Is the cheapest Threaten effect available? They almost never see constructed play, but at 1 mana, it has some potential. I'd love to see Claim the Firstborn + Spark Harvest (or some other sac outlet) in constructed.

Syr Carah, the Bold is intriguing. Burn-based storm? A bit too linear for my taste in EDH, but could make a viable burn deck, ignoring the whole 'five mana commander with no immediate impact' thing.

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