May MCC -- Round 4 -- The Far Future

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Post by netn10 » 1 year ago

(Thanks to bravelion83 for the core set MCC logo. The art is a remix of Feed the Swarm by Andrey Kuzinskiy and Referee Squad by Steven Belledin)

May MCC Round 4
The Far Future
Our theme for the month of May is "nothing is impossible."

Modern Magic design can be summarized, in my opinion, as a delicate balance between tradition and innovation, consistently pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved while honoring the lessons of the past.

Magic Arena serves as the gateway to a new era of Magic design, providing designers with the opportunity to explore concepts that were previously unattainable in the realm of paper Magic alone. With the introduction of Alchemy to Magic Arena, we are presented with an exciting prospect to embark on an unprecedented creative journey.

For our final challenge this month, let's harness the limitless possibilities offered by Magic Arena, combining them with unique variations of familiar tools from paper Magic.

Main Challenge -- Design a digital-only card.

Subchallenge 1 -- The card uses a new predefined counter.

Subchallenge 2 -- The card uses a new non-traditional mana cost.

To be considered a "digital-only card", a card should do things that either be very hard to track on paper Magic, or be downright impossible. It's subjective, though - if you are not sure if your card falls within this definition, just ask!
Predefined counters are counters with inherit rules. Examples include stun, shield and +1/+1.
Any cost that has a symbol other than WUBRGC is considered "non-traditional mana cost".
Design deadline: June 12th 2023 at 23:59 Eastern Time

Judging deadline: June 15st 2023 at 23:59 Eastern Time

MCC Rubric
The MCC Rubric is given below, in an easily "copy and pasted" form.

Code: Select all

[b](X/3) Appeal[/b] - Do the different player psychographics (Timmy/Johhny/Spike) have a use for the card?
[b](X/3) Elegance[/b] - Is the card easily understandable at a glance? Do all the flavor and mechanics combined as a whole make sense?
[b](X/3) Viability[/b] - How well does the card fit into the color wheel? Does it break or bend the rules of the game? Is it the appropriate rarity?
[b](X/3) Balance[/b] - Does the card have a power level appropriate for contemporary constructed/limited environments without breaking them? Does it play well in casual and multiplayer formats? Does it create or fit into a deck/archetype? Does it create an oppressive environment?
[b](X/3) Uniqueness[/b] - Has a card like this ever been printed before? Does it use new mechanics, ideas, or design space? Does it combine old ideas in a new way? Overall, does it feel "fresh"?
[b](X/3) Flavor[/b] - Does the name seem realistic for a card? Does the flavor text sound professional? Do all the flavor elements synch together to please Vorthos players?
[b](X/3) Quality[/b] - Points deducted for incorrect spelling, grammar, and templating.
[b](X/2) Main Challenge (*)[/b] - Was the main challenge satisfied? Was it approached in a unique or interesting way? Does the card fit the intent of the challenge?
[b](X/2) Subchallenges[/b] - One point awarded per satisfied subchallenge condition.
[b]Total: X/25[/b]
*An entry with 0 points here is subject to disqualification.




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Post by Venedrex » 1 year ago

Etherium Researcher
Creature — Vedalken Artificer (R)
Whenever Etherium Researcher enters the battlefield or attacks, put an upgrade counter on target permanent (Activated abilities of permanents with upgrade counters cost less to activate for each upgrade counter on them. This effect can't reduce the mana in that cost to less than one mana.)
: Transform Etherium Researcher. Activate only as a sorcery.


Etherium Overseer
(/) Artifact Creature — Vedalken Artificer (R)
Flying, vigilance
When this creature transforms into Etherium Overseer, permanents you control perpetually become artifacts in addition to their other types and gain ", : Draw a card."
The rising influence of the Sphinxes mirrored the spread of Etherium across Esper.
Last edited by Venedrex 1 year ago, edited 16 times in total.

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Post by Subject16 » 1 year ago

Quartzblade Captain 3
Artifact Creature — Construct Soldier (R)
For each color among permanents you control, Quartzblade Captain enters the battlefield with a color counter of that color on it.
Quartzblade Captain gets +1/+1 for each of its colors.
Whenever Quartzblade Captain attacks, you may remove a color counter from it. If you do, seek a nonland card of that color.

Color counters would work like keyword counters would, giving the permanent that color in addition to its base colors for as long as it has that counter.

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Post by netn10 » 1 year ago

@kwanyeegor-ii bump.

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Post by kwanyeegor-ii » 1 year ago

Omenpath Frosttracer SGWU
Snow Creature - Yeti (Rare)
As Omenpath Frosttracer enters the battlefield, choose a plane.
At the beginning of your upkeep, you get a survival counter. (At the beginning of each end step, if your life total is less than the number of survival counters you have, it becomes equal to that number.)
Whenever a player casts a spell printed on the chosen plane, put two +1/+1 counters on Omenpath Frosttracer and you get two survival counters. (For example, Shivan Dragon was printed on Dominaria.)
Kaldheim's ever-migrating yetis now have an entire Multiverse to roam.

I'm a simple Magic player since several years ago from China. Now I live in New Jersey.

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Post by netn10 » 1 year ago

Judgment can start now.

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Post by bravelion83 » 1 year ago

Sorry for the delay, I've had busy days and I admit I prioritized hosting June over judging May. Now let's get to this, but with an advanced note that I wrote about to netn10 as soon as I read this round. I'm not the best person to judge this round and my judgments will certainly NOT be my best ones ever, I already know it. For lack of a better term, I just hate Arena, for several reasons that are too long to explain here. I actively avoid any and all content that even tangentially refers to it. I try to live pretending it doesn't exist and I know next to nothing about digital-only cards, and in fact if it were up to me they wouldn't exist at all. I have very strong feelings about this. And it's not that I don't like playing magic digitally, I've played MTGO for several years and I've played and liked ALL the Duels of the Planeswalkers. I also played the Shandalar Microprose video game a lot of time ago. It's just specifically about Arena, how it was created, and how it's being managed. I disagree on practically every choice they ever made about Arena. Me choosing to avoid it at all costs is a willing and fully aware decision, one that I still stand by. I'm not resigning as a judge here though, I've only done that once ever and for heavy personal issues against the host, something much worse than just "I hate the thing this round is about and willingly know nothing about it." I'm still a judge for this month, and I'll do my best. I just wanted you all to know the background. Luckily it looks like we're not dealing with anything too crazy at first reading...

Judgments complete. Sorry for having to issue a DQ, but the rules of the contest for extra content are very clear. You can read the whole guidelines document at any moment by clicking on the link in my signature that's in every post of mine.

I've found and fixed some typos, but I'm not sure I caught them all so I apologize as usual if there are any more.
Venedrex wrote:
1 year ago
Etherium Researcher
Creature — Vedalken Artificer (R)
Whenever Etherium Researcher enters the battlefield or attacks, put an upgrade counter on target permanent (Activated abilities of permanents with upgrade counters cost less to activate for each upgrade counter on them. This effect can't reduce the mana in that cost to less than one mana.)
: Transform Etherium Researcher. Activate only as a sorcery.


Etherium Overseer
(/) Artifact Creature — Vedalken Artificer (R)
Flying, vigilance
When this creature transforms into Etherium Overseer, permanents you control perpetually become artifacts in addition to their other types and gain ", : Draw a card."
The rising influence of the Sphinxes mirrored the spread of Etherium across Esper.
Appeal 3/3 - Timmy likes ramp and that's essentially what upgrade abilities are for activated abilities, such as the one to transform the Researcher. Johnny will look for ways to manipulate upgrade counters and will look for the best and most unusual activated abilities to pair them with. Spike likes the base rate (2/3 for two mana with upside) and she also likes a lot upgrade counters. There are a LOT of activated abilities that nreak if they get too cheap...
Elegance 2/3 - An ambiguity in the back face: does perpetually only apply to the type-changing effect making other things artifacts, or also to the activated ability of drawing a card? In the latter case, the synergy with upgrade counters is very nice, but it might also be interpreted in the other way.
Viability 3/3 - I see no problems with the color pie, rarity, or the rules, for how far the normal rules can apply here.
Balance 2/3 - I think it makes no sense judging this round's cards in tabletop formats as they wouldn't be playable there, so I'll concentrate more on the rate of these cards in a vacuum. To make its own ability cost only two mana with upgrade counters, you have to cast this and then attack with it three times. Under ordinary circumstances, this will happen on turn five, only one turn before you'd be able to activate it normally. You're essentially jumping through hoops to get a one-mana discount. That looks fine by itself, but might get dangerous if you add other cards that might give you upgrade counters and/or proliferate in the mix. The fact of whether that "perpetually" also applies to the card draw on the back face or not will also affect the playability of this card in a potentially big way.
Uniqueness 3/3 - Upgrade counters are new, nothing more to say here.
Flavor 3/3 - No problems here. An Esper Vedalken going crazy and applying etherium on everything on sight, causing all permanents of yours to become perpetually artifacts mechanically, works perfectly. Also, on Esper you indeed "upgrade" your body by applying etherium on yourself.
Quality 2/3 - A period/full stop is missing after "target permanent" in the triggered ability. (-0.5) I think the last sentence of reminder text needs some rewording, ranging from "can't reduce the mana component of the activation cost to less than one mana" if you want to be technically accurate to "can't reduce the cost to less than one mana" if you prefer a more intuitive version, but as it's reminder text I won't apply any deductions for that. An ambiguity: does perpetually also apply to the activated ability to draw a card or just to the type-changing effect? The proposed wording is not clear about that. (-0.5).
Main Challenge 2/2 - Perpetually is digital-only (you can't track information about cards in hidden zones) so good.
Subchallenges 1/2 - According to the definition given in the clarifications spoiler, any cost that includes generic mana that hasn't been done before in the mana cost of the card counts.This card's mana cost is WU, which does not include generic mana and has been done before on several cards, too many to be listed here, so Subchallenge 2 not met. No problems with Subchallenge 1.
TOTAL 21/25

Subject16 (DQ for extra content)
Subject16 wrote:
1 year ago
Quartzblade Captain 3
Artifact Creature — Construct Soldier (R)
For each color among permanents you control, Quartzblade Captain enters the battlefield with a color counter of that color on it.
Quartzblade Captain gets +1/+1 for each of its colors.
Whenever Quartzblade Captain attacks, you may remove a color counter from it. If you do, seek a nonland card of that color.

Color counters would work like keyword counters would, giving the permanent that color in addition to its base colors for as long as it has that counter.
Appeal 3/3 - Potentially a 7/7 for Timmy. More realistically a 4/4 or more rarely a 5/5, but for three mana that's enough for Spike, also paired with a tutoring ability. Johnny can manipulate color counters somehow.
Elegance 3/3 - No problems here.
Viability 3/3 - I see no problems with the color pie, rarity, or the rules, for how far the normal rules can apply here.
Balance 1/3 - I think it makes no sense judging this round's cards in tabletop formats as they wouldn't be playable there, so I'll concentrate more on the rate of these cards in a vacuum. It looks too easy to me to make it big enough. Having permanents of many different colors is quite easy, especially in formats that have access to good dual lands, and this can be cast very early. Even if you play it on turn three, after having played, say, a green mana dork in turn one and a non-green gold card with other two colors on turn two, it's a three-mana 5/5. Yes, it will get smaller if you want to tutor card, but you can just not use the tutoring ability on attack as it's optional, and keep your big undercosted beater as big as it is now indefinitely. I think three mana is a little too little of a cost for this.
Uniqueness 2.5/3 - Color counters are new even though kind of an easy place to go after keyword counters.
Flavor 2.5/3 - I think the idea here is a construct made of quartz, refracting leylines of mana as though they were rays of light. Somehow, it is able to mess with leylines and thus with its refraction of mana (aka colors it is). I'd say this works just fine. The only minor remark I might have is that the word "Captain" in the name and the Soldier creature type on the type line feel too white for a colorless card.
Quality 3/3 - All good.
Main Challenge 0 (DQ)/2 - The challenge itself is not the problem. Seek is currently digital-only (you could in theory take all the cards meeting a specified criteria from a library and pick one of those at random, but it would be a logistical nightmare in tabletop, at the very least requiring a full shuffle afterwards) so good. The problem is that you put unrequested extra content in your submission post by explaining what color counters do. From the contest guidelines (link in my signature):
MCC guidelines wrote: 5.3.6 ‐ Design notes and other content in submission posts
Those are forbidden. Your submission post must include only your text card and the optional render. Nothing else can be included, unless explicitly required by the round challenges. That includes design notes, links, explanations of mechanics or lore, and anything else you might come up with. Including things other than your text card and the optional render is a cause for DQ, so just don't do it.


7. Disqualifications (DQs)
The following are the only admitted reasons for a judge to DQ a card:
• A player posting anything in addition to the required text card and the optional render.
This includes design notes and everything else you can think of. A submission post must include only the text card and the optional render. In this case, no appeal can be made.
The round didn't ask for extra content and that paragraph clearly counts as an "explanation of mechanics" for section 5.3.6. I'm sorry. I'm writing this as the first thing in this judgment. I will keep judging your card in all the areas of the rubric, but to me this submission is a DQ for extra content, and in that case, as section 7 states, "no appeal can be made".
Subchallenges 1/2 - According to the definition given in the clarifications spoiler, any cost that includes generic mana that hasn't been done before in the mana cost of the card counts.This card's mana cost is 3, which does not include generic mana and has been done before on several cards, too many to be listed here, so Subchallenge 2 not met. No problems with Subchallenge 1.

kwanyeegor-ii wrote:
1 year ago
Omenpath Frosttracer SGWU
Snow Creature - Yeti (Rare)
As Omenpath Frosttracer enters the battlefield, choose a plane.
At the beginning of your upkeep, you get a survival counter. (At the beginning of each end step, if your life total is less than the number of survival counters you have, it becomes equal to that number.)
Whenever a player casts a spell printed on the chosen plane, put two +1/+1 counters on Omenpath Frosttracer and you get two survival counters. (For example, Shivan Dragon was printed on Dominaria.)
Kaldheim's ever-migrating yetis now have an entire Multiverse to roam.
Appeal 2/3 - Big creature that can grow for Timmy. Johnny can manipulate the survival counters and find the best planes to choose. Spike sees how restrictive that mana cost is and just walks away.
Elegance 1.5/3 - The text is long and it's not exactly clear how you would determine which card was printed on which plane(s).
Viability 2/3 - I can see the green and white here, but honestly not the blue. It looks to me as if this card is blue just for the "frost" flavor, and the same goes for that snow mana in the mana cost. Rarity looks right. I believe it could be technically implemented in the rules, but it would be a hell of a task. I'll come back to this point repeatedly in this judgment.
Balance 1.5/3 - I think it makes no sense judging this round's cards in tabletop formats as they wouldn't be playable there, so I'll concentrate more on the rate of these cards in a vacuum. Judging the plane mechanic is very hard, as we don't even know how you would know which card has been "printed on" which planes. You'd need an official reference sheet of something like that, or an additional specific field in the card database that's used only for this mechanic if we're using a digital language. In acorn/silver border, you get away with things like Vorthos, but here we're not treading that ground. What I do have an opinion on is one other thing though: survival counters. They look loke they could slow down the game too much. In design, you want to design things so that the game reaches its natural conclusion faster rather than slower, and this goes too far in the "slowing the game" direction. You're essentially resetting your life total to a certain number at the end of every turn. An opponent who wants to defeat you has to do it in one swoop, and that's true ever if you get a single survival counter.
Uniqueness 3/3 - I think it would be a nightmare to implement, but saying a card was printed on specific planes is new. Survavil counters also obviously are.
Flavor 3/3 - Yes, there are omenpaths everywhere in the official Multiverse, thanks for reminding me... This is true, but it's also a joke that only I will ever get probably, as only I know what my big story plan implies, but maybe you can read between the lines... you know, in the path of your life there will be forks in the road sometimes. And when you're resting under a tree's canopy it might look large, maybe even overwhelming and obscuring the sky like if it reached that high, but then when you get up and walk away, you look at that same tree and see that the canopy is actually much smaller than it appeared and that its branches don't actually reach the sky... Anyway, whether you read between these lines or not, the flavor here works. Omenpaths are something we've originally seen in Kaldheim way before them appearing all over the Multiverse, so a Kaldheim Yeti being able to track them and end up on some random plane does work as good flavor.
Quality 2.5/3 - The other two contestants correctly uses em dashes, so unfortunately I have to keep the hyphen into account here. (-0.5)
Main Challenge 2/2 - Another one that could theoretically be done in tabletop (just add a "plane" field to each card in the Oracle database accessible through Gatherer), also based on the "originally printed in (set)" cards of old times (City in a Bottle), but that it would be an absolute logistic nightmare. A computer has no such problems, so it's better for this mechanic to stay digital-only, we agree on that. You wouldn't want this in tabletop.
Subchallenges 2/2 - Both met. The mana cost is non-traditional (it includes snow mana) and is new. Survival counters are a "new predifined counter."
TOTAL 19.5/25
Venedrex: 21
kwanyeegor-ii: 19.5
Subject16: DQ
Author of the MCC Guidelines and FAQ. | The June MCC is ongoing. Theme is OTJ. Most recent thread: Round 4 (finals). Extended judging deadline on July 3rd.

For my projects (Jeff Lionheart, "One pierced heart, two mindful horns", republished articles from my series "The Lion's Lair", and custom sets), see Leo's content index (Last updated on April 25th 2024 - Added TLL #5).
After I'm done republishing my articles I want to reprise the series focusing it more on editing, wording, and templating. Suggest potential future article topics here.
My CCCG Resume (Updated on June 4th 2024)
Blue = MTGSalvation Green = MTGNexus
MCC - Winner (9): Oct 2014, Apr Nov 2017, Jan 2018, Apr Jun 2019, Jan Mar 2022, Apr 2023 || Host (31): Dec 2014, Apr Jul Aug Dec 2015, Mar Jul Aug Oct 2016, Feb Jul 2017, Jun Nov 2018, Feb Jul 2019 (last on MTGS), Aug 2019 (first on MTGN) Oct 2019, Jan Jun 2020 Apr Oct 2021, Feb May Sep Dec 2022, Mar Jun Sep Dec 2023, Mar Jun 2024 || Judge (59): every month from Nov 2014 to Nov 2016 except Oct 2015, every month from Feb to Jul 2017 except Apr 2017, then Oct 2017, May Jun Nov 2018, Feb Jul 2019 (last on MTGS), every month from Aug 2019 (first on MTGN) to Feb 2020, May Jun 2020, Mar Apr Sep Oct 2021, Feb May Sep Dec 2022, Mar May Jun Sep Dec 2023, Jan Mar Jun 2024
CCL - Winner (4): Jul 2016 (tied with Flatline), May 2017, Jul 2019 (last on MTGS), Jun 2021 (tied with slimytrout) || Host (5): Feb 2015, Mar Apr May Jun 2016
DCC - Winner (4): Mar 2015 (tied with Piar), Feb Apr 2022, Apr 2024 || Host (16): May Oct 2015, Jan 2016, Jun Sep Dec 2021, Mar Jun Sep Dec 2022, Mar Jun Sep Dec 2023, Mar Jun 2024

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Post by netn10 » 1 year ago

Venedrex wrote:
1 year ago
Etherium Researcher
Creature — Vedalken Artificer (R)
Whenever Etherium Researcher enters the battlefield or attacks, put an upgrade counter on target permanent (Activated abilities of permanents with upgrade counters cost less to activate for each upgrade counter on them. This effect can't reduce the mana in that cost to less than one mana.)
: Transform Etherium Researcher. Activate only as a sorcery.


Etherium Overseer
(/) Artifact Creature — Vedalken Artificer (R)
Flying, vigilance
When this creature transforms into Etherium Overseer, permanents you control perpetually become artifacts in addition to their other types and gain ", : Draw a card."
The rising influence of the Sphinxes mirrored the spread of Etherium across Esper.
(2/3) Appeal - Johnny is intrigued by a cheap and unique way to create new combos. Making activated abilities cheaper is right up their alley. Spike loves this for limited, and in constructed, it can be interesting in a dedicated artifacts deck. Timmy isn't interested in a 2/3 for 2.
(3/3) Elegance - Etherium Researcher is straightforward enough - it has an enters-the-battlefield or attack trigger that puts counters, nothing too complicated. Etherium Overseer is also very elegant, giving a new purpose to the upgrade counters from its first form, and having vigilance with a ability is always neat. The fact that only the first part allows you to put upgrade counters and the second part doesn't creates a nice tension, as it makes the card not always correct to transform.

(2/3) Viability - WU and being a rare makes sense. This card can also function as mono-blue, but adding white to make the creature cheaper also has its merits. Regarding upgrade counters, I can envision them primarily in and , with the other colors sparingly used and not featured in many cards. The mechanic seems reasonable in small amounts, but it runs the risk of becoming quickly overpowered. Most activated ability-cost reduction cards are rare or mythic, typically centered around blue and green (one example being Biomancer's Familiar), but it also makes sense in an Esper context. If the limited format includes numerous common mana sinks, it is possible to build a fantastic format around upgrade counters, as we witnessed with Brother's War and Powerstones.
(2/3) Balance - In limited, I assume the format would feature a lot of artifacts with activated abilities, making this card a solid first pick, although not necessarily superior to a good removal spell. In constructed, most artifact decks don't prioritize activated abilities (with affinity being the primary artifact deck), but interestingly enough, this card could serve as a valuable sideboard option against control decks. Casual players will enjoy playing this card without attempting to exploit its full potential, and they will have a fun experience with it. EDH players and artifacts are inseparable companions.

(2.5/3) Uniqueness - Upgrade counters are a novel concept that can introduce fresh and distinctive archetypes. The card itself isn't too groundbreaking.
(2/3) Flavor - It's hard to go wrong with transform cards; they excel at telling stories. Your card tells a simple story, and that's certainly not a bad thing. It depicts the journey of a modest Esper researcher ascending to become an overseer, shaping their world in their own image. The mention of Sphinxes in the flavor text is an obscure nugget of flavor from around 2008, hinted at by Marble Chalice and Onyx Goblet. I wish Shards of Alara had explored this sub-plot further, so I appreciate your acknowledgment of it. However, it's worth noting that this card is not a Sphinx, and I'm uncertain about its relationship with the Sphinxes or which specific Sphinxes it references. The two names of this card are rather generic, the first face does provide some space for flavor text, and I would have personally enjoyed it being called "Ethersworn" - the group that fervently strives to eliminate all traces of flash from Esper (and in Conflux and Alara Reborn - the other shards) and embarks on a quest known as "the Noble Work," which your card perfectly captures as it transforms.

(2.5/3) Quality - "... target permanent." - Missing period.
(2/2) Main Challenge (*) - All good.
(1/1) Subchallenge 1 - All good.
(0/1) Subchallenge 2 - The card does not uses a new non-traditional mana cost.
Total: 19/25
Subject16 wrote:
1 year ago
Quartzblade Captain 3
Artifact Creature — Construct Soldier (R)
For each color among permanents you control, Quartzblade Captain enters the battlefield with a color counter of that color on it.
Quartzblade Captain gets +1/+1 for each of its colors.
Whenever Quartzblade Captain attacks, you may remove a color counter from it. If you do, seek a nonland card of that color.

Color counters would work like keyword counters would, giving the permanent that color in addition to its base colors for as long as it has that counter.
(3/3) Appeal - Johnny loves this card because it can search for combo pieces and "silver bullets," especially when combined with proliferate. Spike seamlessly fits this card into decks like Niv to Light and 4-Color Fires in MTG Arena, alongside Territorial Kavu. It might also perform exceptionally well in Mono-White Aggro, serving as an aggressive card that effectively "draws" another card. Timmy adores the concept of a 7/7 creature for only 3 mana. The idea of removing the color counters is inconceivable to them since a 7/7 is simply perfect as it is.
(2/3) Elegance - Color counters feel like a natural evolution of keyword counters, which themselves evolved from +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters. However, color-changing abilities can often introduce complexity and complications within the layers of the game, and also have limited use cases.

(2/3) Viability - Colorless and rare make sense. The card ranges from being a "3-mana do-nothing on an empty board" to a "3-mana big creature that draws me multiple cards," but it lacks an enter-the-battlefield effect. It carries a "Tarmogoyf++" energy infused with Territorial Kavu, which is a good position to be in, competitively speaking. Regarding color counters, I can see them in any color (heh), primarily blue, and in any rarity if one of the themes of the set is color-matter. Color-matter cards are scarce, with Shadowmoor block being the first to come to mind when exploring this concept. In that set, color counters could have been impressive, but the theme was overshadowed by Lorwyn and its tribal cards. Maybe there's a deep well of designs that could utilize color counters, or maybe there isn't, but it's an intriguing concept that naturally extends from keyword counters.
(2/3) Balance - In limited, getting a 3/3 "draw 1" shouldn't be hard. A 4/4 is a little more of a stretch, and a 7/7 is a pipe dream. It's solid but not broken. In constructed, you can play this to make it a 7/7 "draw 5," which will either be niche or highly broken. Casual players will include this card in any deck, and EDH players would also love to play it in any non-colorless deck.

(2/3) Uniqueness - Color counters are as unique as keyword counters, which sits comfily between "how we waited decades before making these?" and "it's just keywords but as counters". The card itself is a big creature that "draw cards", nothing too crazy.
(1/3) Flavor - Quartzblade Captain is a unique name, but it tells us nothing of the nature of this card. I guess "Quartz" because 5 colors? Where is this creature from? They are captain of what? Captain implies they lead an army, but I don't get this from the abilities. The card could have been benefited greatly from a flavor text.

(2/3) Quality - "...with a color counter of that color on it." is a little ambiguous - it can imply that the counted permanents should have a color counter on them in order for the Captain to get a color counter of the same color.
(2/2) Main Challenge (*) - All good.
(1/1) Subchallenge 1 - All good.
(1/1) Subchallenge 2 - All good.
Total: 18/25
kwanyeegor-ii wrote:
1 year ago
Omenpath Frosttracer SGWU
Snow Creature - Yeti (Rare)
As Omenpath Frosttracer enters the battlefield, choose a plane.
At the beginning of your upkeep, you get a survival counter. (At the beginning of each end step, if your life total is less than the number of survival counters you have, it becomes equal to that number.)
Whenever a player casts a spell printed on the chosen plane, put two +1/+1 counters on Omenpath Frosttracer and you get two survival counters. (For example, Shivan Dragon was printed on Dominaria.)
Kaldheim's ever-migrating yetis now have an entire Multiverse to roam.
(1/3) Appeal - Johnny might want to proliferate this, but in terms of combos, it is not a very powerful option. Spike would play this in limited as a bomb, but it looks too slow for constructed. It has no enter-the-battlefield effect or protection. Timmy likes a 4/4 for 4 that can easily grow itself.
(1/3) Elegance - This card is the most digital-only card ever. The creature itself is a 4/4 with vigilance for 4, featuring a keyword ability, an enters-the-battlefield ability, an ability triggered at the beginning of your upkeep, and an ability triggered by ANY player casting a spell. It is bound to be on the more complex side. The addition of survival counters adds a layer of complexity that doesn't synergize well with the main mechanic of the card - the "choose a plane" mechanic. Choosing a plane is intriguing, but it also seems challenging to code into Arena. Not only creating the "Choose a Plane cards" but also retroactively giving a plane type to every single card in Arena. At this point, I almost forgot this creature also cost snow mana and is a snow creature.

(2/3) Viability - SGWU and Rare would make sense, as well as any combination of these colors and/or Mythic rarity. Interestingly, I can envision this card as a monocolored card in any of the four "colors" (with mono blue excluding survival counters) with slight number adjustments. I can imagine survival counters appearing in WBG, limited to just one rare and/or one mythic. "Choose a Plane" is exclusively a digital mechanic, and I can't envision it being overpowered in any scenario; it seems like a fun and flavorful mechanic. This mechanic truly shines when the card pool is limited, such as in limited formats (more on that in Balance), but when the card pool becomes bigger, the mechanic presents a significant decision paralysis issue, at least in the deck-building phase.
(2/3) Balance - Limited-wise, this card can only be from "March of the Machines Alchemy", a format that does not exist yet, but it exist for every single limited format on Arena since Innistrad. In this format, this card and the other "Choose a Plane" can spice up the format by a very large margin. The problem? The format has 0 ways to produce snow mana. The solution? MOM Alchemy will provide some. In constructed, this card can inspire a new snow deck but ultimately it's a big creature without any protection or evasion. Casual players and EDH players would love this build around card and they will either play it on Arena or wish it was real.

(3/3) Uniqueness - Survival counters is a concept never seen before, and they redefine what counters can be. "Choose a Plane" seems like an otherworldly concept for Magic, bordering on the idea of a timeline where Magic was conceived with a plane tag as well as a card type. It represents the epitome of uniqueness. The card itself is built around a concept so unique that even if it were just a 4/4 for 4 with no other abilities except "Choose a Plane", that would be enough.
(2/3) Flavor - Omenpath Frosttracer is a unique, non-generic name. Omenpath is a concept from Kaldheim, which isn't notorious for its Yetis, but it works. It doesn't really "track frost" though, as it tracks various species from across the multiverse. I'm not even sure if the Yetis of Kaldheim are even "ever-migrating", not even the Wiki maintaining anything about them. If you say they are ever-migrating, I believe you.

(3/3) Quality - All good.
(2/2) Main Challenge (*) - All good.
(1/1) Subchallenge 1 - All good.
(1/1) Subchallenge 2 - All good.
Total: 18/25
Venedrex: 19
Subject16: 18
kwanyeegor-ii: 18
Last edited by netn10 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by netn10 » 1 year ago

Final Results:

Venedrex = 21 + 19 = 40
Subject16 = 0 + 18 = 18 (37 if no DQ)
kwanyeegor-ii = 19.5 + 18 = 37.5

Congratulations to @Venedrex, the winner of May 2023 MCC!

May has been absolutely delightful. It was my first time hosting a contest, and together, we caught a glimpse of what Magic's future could be.
I sincerely hope that you found this contest as enjoyable as I did, and I look forward to more opportunities like this in the future!

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