Ideas for Jodah Reanimator Deck

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Post by grimoiredark » 4 years ago

Morning everyone! Hope you are all staying safe and the like!

I have been constantly tweaking a 5-color reanimator deck using either Kenrith, the Returned King Or Golos, Tireless Pilgrim, but was never fully happy with it. It takes inspirations off of competitive list with some added cards for fun, but I wanted to incorporate big instant and sorceries as well.

So, my thought is to have a small package of reanimation cards like Animate Dead , Dance of the Dead and Unburial Rites (my pet card), but then add in bigger spells. Looking at a list I posted months ago, does anyone have suggestions on how to convert it into Jodah, Archmage Eternal and even what big spells I could look to add? Trying to keep the power level at about an 8 or so. Here is the list tho it has changed slightly since I posted it:

5-Color Reanimator

Thank you in advance for any suggestions!


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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

Eerie Ultimatum brings back all your lands as well, so if you've been Life from the Loam for a while then you'll get a good payoff.

Emergent Ultimatum selecting for example Rune-Scarred Demon, Living Death, Buried Alive.
Opponent is probably going to be forced into putting Living Death back into library and you can just use Rune-Scarred Demon to search for it and cast it next turn.

If you can get your hands on a Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur, its sooo good with drawing 7 cards to then discard reanimation targets at end of turn.

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Post by grimoiredark » 4 years ago

darrenhabib wrote:
4 years ago
Eerie Ultimatum brings back all your lands as well, so if you've been Life from the Loam for a while then you'll get a good payoff.

Emergent Ultimatum selecting for example Rune-Scarred Demon, Living Death, Buried Alive.
Opponent is probably going to be forced into putting Living Death back into library and you can just use Rune-Scarred Demon to search for it and cast it next turn.

If you can get your hands on a Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur, its sooo good with drawing 7 cards to then discard reanimation targets at end of turn.
Thank you for your insight as always!

Those two ultimatums were on my radar for similar reasons. My concern was which spells could I afford to take out in order to add these bigger ones. The deck plays really well with its current setup and I worry of messing with that. There are several others like Dig Through Time, Temporal Mastery and even Nexus of Fate for added value, but just a matter of what to remove.

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

grimoiredark wrote:
4 years ago
Those two ultimatums were on my radar for similar reasons. My concern was which spells could I afford to take out in order to add these bigger ones. The deck plays really well with its current setup and I worry of messing with that. There are several others like Dig Through Time, Temporal Mastery and even Nexus of Fate for added value, but just a matter of what to remove.
Flash is an easy cut :P

Crucible of Worlds is weak sauce.

Wurmcoil Engine would be the cut for Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur.

Just of note, if you did run Emergent Ultimatum then I would run a land untapper reanimation target as well with Palinchron.
The reason is that you can cast a guaranteed Living Death with Rune-Scarred Demon/Demonic Tutor, Palinchron and Living Death as the selection, so that you can cast it straight away.

Zacama, Primal Calamity doesn't get the untap off actual reanimation like Palinchron would, but with Jodah casting for wubrg you can cast at cost reduction and untap all your lands, and its abilities are just more impactful than Palinchron as a threat.
But you can't use it with Emergent Ultimatum, so this would be an additional creature as well.

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Post by grimoiredark » 4 years ago

darrenhabib wrote:
4 years ago
grimoiredark wrote:
4 years ago
Those two ultimatums were on my radar for similar reasons. My concern was which spells could I afford to take out in order to add these bigger ones. The deck plays really well with its current setup and I worry of messing with that. There are several others like Dig Through Time, Temporal Mastery and even Nexus of Fate for added value, but just a matter of what to remove.
Flash is an easy cut :P

Crucible of Worlds is weak sauce.

Wurmcoil Engine would be the cut for Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur.

Just of note, if you did run Emergent Ultimatum then I would run a land untapper reanimation target as well with Palinchron.
The reason is that you can cast a guaranteed Living Death with Rune-Scarred Demon/Demonic Tutor, Palinchron and Living Death as the selection, so that you can cast it straight away.

Zacama, Primal Calamity doesn't get the untap off actual reanimation like Palinchron would, but with Jodah casting for wubrg you can cast at cost reduction and untap all your lands, and its abilities are just more impactful than Palinchron as a threat.
But you can't use it with Emergent Ultimatum, so this would be an additional creature as well.
You think Crucible of Worlds is a weak card in this deck? Interesting.

You do make a good point getting Palinchron here. Just to quickly get the best cards for whatever situations right away. Fun combo there :D

I should repost my newest list as I have taken out Wurmcoil Engine and Flash for cards like Niv-Mizzet, Parun and Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin

Would I still need the 1cmc draw spells like Gamble And Careful Study?

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

grimoiredark wrote:
4 years ago
You think Crucible of Worlds is a weak card in this deck? Interesting.

Would I still need the 1cmc draw spells like Gamble And Careful Study?
Well if it helps I think that Crucible of Worlds is weak in any deck.

Yeah, keep the deck low costed when possible.
But the idea is that you get to play some over-the-top cards as well that you can cheat into play. But the way to get there is with your mana efficient cards that allow you to set things up.
The major competitive card this deck is missing is Intuition.

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Post by grimoiredark » 4 years ago

darrenhabib wrote:
4 years ago
grimoiredark wrote:
4 years ago
You think Crucible of Worlds is a weak card in this deck? Interesting.

Would I still need the 1cmc draw spells like Gamble And Careful Study?
Well if it helps I think that Crucible of Worlds is weak in any deck.

Yeah, keep the deck low costed when possible.
But the idea is that you get to play some over-the-top cards as well that you can cheat into play. But the way to get there is with your mana efficient cards that allow you to set things up.
The major competitive card this deck is missing is Intuition.
Lol fair enough.

While I'm not trying to go super competitive with the deck, I do see your point with that. I'll have to play around with the numbers and cards to see what I can take out for at least 3-4 big spells. Thank you!

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