32 Commander Deck Challenge

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Post by 5colorsrainbow » 3 years ago

So about two or so years ago I decided to try and build a commander deck for each color and color combo + colorless. I'm in no rush to finish this and still looking ideas for decks and general feedback or to see if anyone else is doing something similar. I really like the commander community here and had been kinda shy posting deck lists before (and would like something other than TWD SL, banning and other such stuff to chat about).

For how I like to play commander. I'm a big vorthos and fall more so into being a timmy and somewhat a johnny so tend to latch onto a character and/or flavor theme and run with it, instead the most competitive. I also like building armies/ getting creatures out so I really like those kinds of decks. Tribal is also a big love and I'm trying to not have too many. That said I open to hearing how to make my deck more effective in order to make my theme run more.

Decks I have up and running or just needing a few fixes (also ignore the maybe/side board on stuff, I use that for buy lists and such and like them listed with the rest for deck building);

WB- Teysa Karlov- Death by Tokens
https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/03-10-2 ... 1601750245

I love the character of Teysa and I've really liked the "doomed" mechanic of a creature dying getting you a token. I try to focus more so on that part, having creatures I can kill off and double the effect with Teysa, along with some other death triggers and some aristocrat stuff as well. My play group notes that imo this my most powerful deck as having my creature removed isn't always a way to keep my board under control.

UB- Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow- Ninja Poofs

Blue and black are my least favorite colors and thus to play. But after seeing the ninja in modern horizons I found a way to kinda make a UB work for me as a tribal deck. I'm trying to be careful to not make a lot of tribal deck, but since none of my commander or other format tribal decks use a lot of GW this deck lets me play some of the blue and black tribal stuff and thats been fun to explore.

I also have a small theme of clones in the deck for flavor and helping fill out more ninja creatures.

UR- Will Kenrith and Rowan Kenrith- Gemini Shenanigans
https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/will-an ... enanigans/

So by luck or divine help, I made a Will and Rowan deck before Eldraine came out. I love fairy tales and fairy tale fiction so Eldraine was something I had been wanting since joining magic and The Wildered Quest is one of my favorite magic stories so this really worked out for me.

This deck is a weird mix of super friends, instant and sorcery matters and activated abilities to play into the twins theme, tho the instant and sorcery matter stuff kinda took over a lot. I also have a small theme of doubling/copping to go with the twin trope.

Due to wanting to play as many adventure cards this also has a rule 0 wishboard for Fae of Wishes.

RW- Feather the Redeemed- I need a Hero
https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/03-10-2 ... 1601751770

Feather has been #1 on my list of characters from lore I wanted to have a card for and had been looking for a non-combat related boros commander as Kaalia already was combat focused. Basic Feather deck that I gave a heroic theme and I'm proud to say was ramping and drawing faster than the other two decks I was playing one night.

GW- Arahbo, Roar of the World- Kitty Toys
https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/kitty-t ... 1601752118

Basic kitty tribal and equipment matters, evolved from a equipment deck I built around Scars of Mirrodin. I fixing this one up after I realized i needed some more removal and wraths.

RBG- Lord Windgrace- Awaken the Land

https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/03-10-2 ... 1601752587

Had been looking for a decent commander for a lands that turn into creatures themed deck and by chance had a ton of the really good landfall cards already around. While Windgrace doesn't scream land creatures, one big issues is how if they get killed off you lose your mana source and I often use Windgrace to make sure I don't lose speed either by helping me draw into more land or get the land out of the graveyard.

GRW-Gishath, Sun's Avatar- Threefold Rampage
https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/threefo ... 1601752946

I was very much a dinosaur kid growing up and as a latino I was happy to see a world that somewhat touched on my culture, that I went into Ixalan wanting to make a Dinosaur tribal deck. As the theme of them as enrage I try to have that as a theme in the deck and look a lot at damage based removal.

WBR- Kaalia of the Vast- Heavenly Hellfire

https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/heavenl ... 1601862176

My first deck and how I got started. Pretty standard Kaalia deck though I do have a theme of extra combat and combat matters.

BGW-Kathril, Aspect Warper- Key Word: Counters.

GUB-Otrimi, The Ever-Playful- Versatile Mutations.

Both of these I got recently and I just thought both where fun and nifty in different ways. Haven't done much with them yet but I got extra birthday money and figured I'd treat myself. While both are very tied to Ikoria I so like they both have themes that can be opened up to other cards.

Decks I'm building:

GWUB Reyhan, Last of the Abzan and Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker

While I'd rather have Atraxa, Praetors' Voice these two where cheaper. I basically at one had two +1/+1 counter deck and figured I should just meld and rework them into a commander deck. I'm still working on it just have a lot of different possible parts. Also as a theme for 4-color I'm kinda just working with whats around and not much.

Decks I'm planning/want to build:

B- "Shadowborn Apostle"*

For mono-colored its kinda hard for me to find a really fun idea but I did think of a demon deck thats mostly Shadow Born Appolistal and legendary demons I could use to switch around as commanders.

BR- Xantcha, Sleeper Agent*

I need more parts but I kinda make a curse, anti-hug kinda deck where you give your opponents stuff to hurt them or encourages someone else to hurt them. Kinda waiting for more curses and/or curse reward cards as rather like curses.

RG- Halana, Kessig Ranger and Alena, Kessig Trapper

Next two on my list of characters who I want cards for and as a LGBTQ+ person it was awesome to see a loving couple endure Eldritch Moon and think its awesome to see how some minor flavor text characters from Innistrad 1 have evolved.

EDIT: Forget the four colors! Again not many options but I did try to get creative with the parter commanders;

BRGW-Tana, the Bloodsower and Ravos, Soultender

Not feeling saskia and I realized that Tana and Ravos really plays well with saproling cards as many like dying with is useful with Ravos.

Ravos is a bit of my price range atm and might end up climbing so I might use Kenrith or post -Covid save up the 100+ to buy the deck on eBay.

UBRG-Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder

So a bit of a several tangents for this deck. Yidris has cascade and that was first in Alara Reborn. I start playing around Alara block and I remember reading that cascade had come about since they wanted a way to help people play the all multicolor alara reborn cards easier (which is why for the longest time they only had cascade on multicolored cards) which lead me to want to run Yidris deck that cards about playing multicolors. So things like Knight of New Alara, the maze elementals from Dragons Maze, ect.

WUBR- Tymna the Weaver and Ludevic, Necro Alchemist

Again another deck I might run Kenrith with due to price, but for the green-less deck I thought it might be fun to make drawing matters deck. So yeah lots of card draw but also stuff like cycle and discard triggers, discarding cards to pay for effects, cards that care about how many cards in hand, maybe some monarch fun as well.

RGWU- Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis

Basic group hug, I do like Kynaios and Tiro for being a cute couple (like yes I need to hold my boyfriends helmet so I may stroke his hair) and no other combos for this really interested me. While omnath is now a possibly (if it price drops after rotation and/or a ban) I wanna say Omnath works a lot better in 99 where you can use them to get pay off from Kynaios and Tiro.

Rest of the color pairs I haven't figured out. Nothing has yet to catch my eye and I really having trouble to find a commander or theme I might like in some mono-colored (though I have wanted to make a devotion deck in blue) and WU and hopefully commander legends has some good options (really looking at mono-colored partner). I also refuse to play a GB graveyard or death trigger deck, talk about Boros only having one deck type.

EDIT: I also have Chulane on standby. As said I love Eldraine and wanted an adventure deck that Chulane supports, but not enough adventures or adventure matter/reward cards to make a deck. As adventure where said to be super popular I have hopes to see more.
Last edited by 5colorsrainbow 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Sinis » 3 years ago

5colorsrainbow wrote:
3 years ago

B- "Shadowborn Apostle"*

For mono-colored its kinda hard for me to find a really fun idea but I did think of a demon deck thats mostly Shadow Born Appolistal and legendary demons I could use to switch around as commanders.
This isn't meant to be discouraging, but a lot of the tech for Apostles is in other colours (especially green and white), and you may find a mono-coloured Apostle deck especially challenging. I have a list here in Abzan. I think the only monocoloured tech for Apostles is Secret Salvage.

That said, it's not impossible. I'd consider lots of mass rez effects, like Twilight's Call.
RG- Halana, Kessig Ranger and Alena, Kessig Trapper

Next two on my list of characters who I want cards for and as a LGBTQ+ person it was awesome to see a loving couple endure Eldritch Moon and think its awesome to see how some minor flavor text characters from Innistrad 1 have evolved.
I love everything about Halana and Alena. I've been looking forward to these for a long time. Post list when you finish it?

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Post by Dragoon » 3 years ago

5colorsrainbow wrote:
3 years ago

B- "Shadowborn Apostle"*

For mono-colored its kinda hard for me to find a really fun idea but I did think of a demon deck thats mostly Shadow Born Appolistal and legendary demons I could use to switch around as commanders.
Maybe Taborax, Hope's Demise as the commander ?

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Post by Segrus » 3 years ago

5colorsrainbow wrote:
3 years ago
though I have wanted to make a devotion deck in blue
It isn't impossible, but having dabbled a little in the idea it isn't as straightforward as I'd like. In part it's due to how mono Blue generally feels like you're deep-diving into combo town or heavy control. I currently have three mono Blue decks, two of which are tribal (thopters and sphinxes) and a third focused around Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive. I've also tried mono Blue Wizard Mill and a devotion-ish based deck for Lorthos, the Game Winner. I think the Tetsuko deck is probably the best constructed of them so far. I do feel like I want to make a theme deck with Emry at some point. Not sure what though.

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Post by 5colorsrainbow » 3 years ago

I forget to put up the four color deck I planned Xl
Sinis wrote:
3 years ago
5colorsrainbow wrote:
3 years ago

B- "Shadowborn Apostle"*

For mono-colored its kinda hard for me to find a really fun idea but I did think of a demon deck thats mostly Shadow Born Appolistal and legendary demons I could use to switch around as commanders.
This isn't meant to be discouraging, but a lot of the tech for Apostles is in other colours (especially green and white), and you may find a mono-coloured Apostle deck especially challenging. I have a list here in Abzan. I think the only monocoloured tech for Apostles is Secret Salvage.

That said, it's not impossible. I'd consider lots of mass rez effects, like Twilight's Call.
I kinda feel that way about a lot of mono-color decks but thank you for the link to look over! I think some the deck will likely be more (purposefully) kinda janky since I think some of them might be more theme heavy.
RG- Halana, Kessig Ranger and Alena, Kessig Trapper

Next two on my list of characters who I want cards for and as a LGBTQ+ person it was awesome to see a loving couple endure Eldritch Moon and think its awesome to see how some minor flavor text characters from Innistrad 1 have evolved.
I love everything about Halana and Alena. I've been looking forward to these for a long time. Post list when you finish it?
Sure :D Currently I'm looking into trying to make work as a blink deck. While they both want you to be more traditional big creature stompy, there is some ebt/blink matter cards such as Purphoros and Craterhoof Behemoth i have set aside and I hope commander legends has some support for them since they seem to be shown off a bit. Green also makes tokens and red can do the copy tokens so there is a few ways to get free creatures that then Alena can use to gain extra mana.
Dragoon wrote:
3 years ago
5colorsrainbow wrote:
3 years ago

B- "Shadowborn Apostle"*

For mono-colored its kinda hard for me to find a really fun idea but I did think of a demon deck thats mostly Shadow Born Appolistal and legendary demons I could use to switch around as commanders.
Maybe Taborax, Hope's Demise as the commander ?
That is defiantly a strong possibility. There had been a rumor that Shadowborn was gonna show up in Zendikar and I did think Taborax was gonna be the mini pay off for them.
Segrus wrote:
3 years ago
5colorsrainbow wrote:
3 years ago
though I have wanted to make a devotion deck in blue
It isn't impossible, but having dabbled a little in the idea it isn't as straightforward as I'd like. In part it's due to how mono Blue generally feels like you're deep-diving into combo town or heavy control. I currently have three mono Blue decks, two of which are tribal (thopters and sphinxes) and a third focused around Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive. I've also tried mono Blue Wizard Mill and a devotion-ish based deck for Lorthos, the Game Winner. I think the Tetsuko deck is probably the best constructed of them so far. I do feel like I want to make a theme deck with Emry at some point. Not sure what though.
I was thinking of making a Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive deck until I built Yuriko as the decks wanna play similar. Master of Waves is what I mostly wanted to do with the deck (add in some blink and lord to keep the horse elemental alive), with either and/or both Thassas and her oracle as win cons. But with the little that blue devotion has (thought there is a good amount of caring about islands and such) would defiantly mean I need a another thing the deck would want to do and so father nothing has really caught my interest.
“There are no weak Jews. I am descended from those who wrestle angels and kill giants. We were chosen by God. You were chosen by a pathetic little man who can't seem to grow a full mustache"

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Post by FenrirRex » 3 years ago

It appears we have the same kind of deckbuilding preferences and general philosophy, right down to not posting up lists. For me, quarantine actually gave me the opportunity to finish exactly this project (now up to 33, one of each color and a pauper EDH deck), and I'm happy to talk about any of my decks that might be of interest (who knows, maybe this will push me to actually put some lists up). There is something to recommend in each deck, and if you're looking for inspiration I strongly recommend trying to build a theme deck around any characters or IPs you particularly enjoy.

My 32+:
: K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth Voltrony Goodstuff
: Arcanis the Omnipotent Lovecraftian Ramp
: Kemba, Kha Regent Equipment
: Ezuri, Renegade Leader Elfball
: Neheb, the Eternal Burn
: Kozilek, Butcher of Truth Mana Rocks

: Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage Historic Matters
: The Scarab God Zombies
: Chainer, Nightmare Adept Bloodborne Theme Deck
: Xenagos, God of Revels Beatdown
: Karametra, God of Harvests Landfall
: Regna, the Redeemer/Krav, the Unredeemed Life and Death
: The Locust God Wheels
: Meren of Clan Nel Toth Oops All Permanents
: Sylvia Brightspear/Khorvath Brightflame Dragon Riders
: Eutropia the Twice-Favored Enchantress

Sultai: Tasigur, the Golden Fang Voldemort Theme Deck
Mardu: Edgar Markov Vampirism
Jund: Korvold, Fae-Cursed King Flavor First
Abzan: Karador, Ghost Chieftain Grave Value
Esper: Oloro, Ageless Ascetic Lifegain Matters
Grixis: Vial Smasher the Fierce/Silas Renn, Seeker Adept Junkyard Reanimator
Bant: Chulane, Teller of Tales Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Master Theme Deck
Jeskai: Kraum, Ludevic's Opus /Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker Flying Matters
Temur: Haldan, Avid Arcanist /Pako, Arcane Retriever Spell Fetcher
Naya: Rin and Seri, Inseparable Cat Tribal

Yore-Tiller: Breya, Etherium Shaper Myr Tribal Combos
Glint-Eye: Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder Lord of the Rings Morgoth Theme Deck
Dune-Brood: Reyhan, Last of the Abzan/Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder Human Tribal
Ink-Treader: Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa/Ludevic, Necro-Alchemist Weenies
Witch-Maw: Atraxa, Praetors' Voice Counters Matter
: General Tazri Ally Tribal

Gray Merchant of Asphodel Recursion

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Post by 5colorsrainbow » 3 years ago

I wanted to wait for the offical spoilers but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna swap out Xantcha for Blim, Comedic Genius or at least use them as alternate commanders for the same deck (I like doing this to switch the decks up some when i get bored).
“There are no weak Jews. I am descended from those who wrestle angels and kill giants. We were chosen by God. You were chosen by a pathetic little man who can't seem to grow a full mustache"

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