Dragon...tech? Wait, wut?

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Post by Boros_Blendo » 4 months ago

I hate dragon decks in general. At least, my friend's dragon decks...overall I think they are fine. Tiamat is one, seriously powerful commander in edh, as the D&D dragon goddess should be, but that gets pretty degenerate. However, I didn't want to copy what my friend had, so I took Tiamat's children in a 60-card direction, and intended to do a mid-range dragon deck from block D&D sets (Forgotten Realms and Baldur's Gate) with the added dungeon mechanic for the named deck below, holding only to chromatic dragons (WUBRG instead of metallics, gem, etc.) So, what you see is what I got. I love the dragon tech here in the deck, it's not what my friends expected to see, and it's totally casual enough to roll for kicks and giggles, but it has a bunch of tribal stuff more like what you'd see from Lorwyn tribals. I like the balance between dragon kill spells, D&D-based cards, searching, mana dorks, and some pretty nifty block dragons to boot. And, oh yeah, I can still get max value from Tiamat, multiple times a game if it comes to it, as there is searching and recycling. So, she's still pretty degenerate...lol.

Dragons are a wide, and varied tribe. Do you have a unique(ish) dragon deck? Post it here!

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Post by Diz » 4 months ago

This deck feels like it goes really slowly. How often do you find yourself outpaced when you play this?

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Post by Boros_Blendo » 4 months ago

Haven't played enough to answer that, though I have the same query pending myself.

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Post by Diz » 4 months ago

Well, keep us posted!

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Post by Boros_Blendo » 4 months ago

Diz wrote:
4 months ago
Well, keep us posted!
Question: do you think a couple more Breath Weapon are advised to keep the heat off me early game? I'm thinking I might fit those in somewhere. Maybe take out all the Fates' Reversal cards and add a Spit Flame and two Breath Weapon. Take out the Expedition Map and add another Dungeon Map. Hmm...

The idea being that you can't kill me quickly if I kill all your early critters, at least until my dragons do start coming out.

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Post by Diz » 3 months ago

Yeah, cards like Lava Spike are great, cheap, and fast removal spells for early game, to keep your opponent's board down before establishing your own presence, so, cards that are similar to that are decent.

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Post by Boros_Blendo » 3 months ago

While the thread idea is to see how peeps play their own dragons, my deck above has not been kindly handled. First game a monthish ago, someone dropped an artifact that nuked turn order and every next turn was determined by who had the highest topdeck exile. Last week, someone played stax/tax, and my two lower-costed dragons were both nuked. I was first one out of that game, but I did kill tons of critters with the extra, added Breath Weapons. So, the tech part of the dragon tech OP is working fine! :rofl: I still love the theme and believe in the lineup, it's just been a rough start…<sigh>

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Post by Diz » 3 months ago

I believe the card to which you were referring was Timesifter!

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Post by Boros_Blendo » 3 months ago

Diz wrote:
3 months ago
I believe the card to which you were referring was Timesifter!

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Post by Boros_Blendo » 1 month ago

Okay, another try at this to improve mana fixing, lessen slow lands, and lower the dragon curve significantly. Blasphemous Act is in place of Tiamat in case I have the wrathful red dragon in play as a finisher. I'll get that more often than casting Tiamat.

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