Thousand faced Shadow

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Post by Gashnaw » 2 years ago

To the copies have to attac the same player?

Let me paint a scenario.
Player A has A peregrine drake and Invisible Stalker, (Thousand-Faced Shadow and Mistblade Shinobi in hand)
Player A attacks player B. Player B has no flyers so no blocks declared. Blocking step is done.
Player A taps 4, puts in Thosand-Faced shadow making a copy of Peregrine Drake.

Now can this Copy attack player C or is there a rules saying it has to be attacking player B? Shadow does not state it is attacking the same player, it just says it is attacking?
I ask because with this combo (Including the mistblade Shinobi) i could potentially make an absurd amount of drakes and attack all players with them. They cannot block since blocking step is already over.

Accepted Answer

by void_nothing » 2 years ago
Nope - a creature that ETBs attacking can attack whatever its controller wants (CR 508.4).
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Post by void_nothing » 2 years ago

Nope - a creature that ETBs attacking can attack whatever its controller wants (CR 508.4).
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Post by Gashnaw » 2 years ago

void_nothing wrote:
2 years ago
Nope - a creature that ETBs attacking can attack whatever its controller wants (CR 508.4).

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