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Hinata Interactions

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 12:42 am
by The Desacrator
Hinata, Dawn-Crowned
Comet Storm

Say I have Hinata in play with my opponent having 4 2/2 zombies. I have lets say 12 mana to work with in my pool and have Comet Storm in my hand. How much damage can I do to my opponent and his/her tokens? Would it be 10 since the spell costs 5 less due to the number of targets(player and 4 tokens)?

Distorting Wake
Battlefield Thaumaturge

If I have the Thaumaturge and Hinata in play does Distorting cost 2 less? can I target a second creature with that spell? How does it work.

Re: Hinata Interactions

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 1:07 am
by void_nothing
First question - the multikicker means you pay 1 more for each target beyond the first and Hinata means you pay 1 less for each target, meaning the spell costs 1 less overall; the maximum value of X you could choose would be 11 (4RR plus 6 plus the 5 discount).

Second question - Hard to tell exactly what you're asking, but this combination of cards makes the spell cost 2 less for each targeted creature and 1 less for each noncreature target. You can in effect target as many permanents as you want with Distorting Wake + Hinata, Dawn-Crowned paying UUU anyway so it's immaterial; you can't pay less than 0 in the first place, so it's just like casting a Wayfarer's Bauble with two Helm of Awakening out.

Re: Hinata Interactions

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 1:30 am
by The Desacrator
Okay great thanks amigo.