29 Card Expansion Set
Release Date: Sep 27th 2024
Showing cards 1 - 29 of 29.
Card NameCostTypeStatsPriceWeekMonth
Leyline of HopeEnchantment$0.0000
Toby, Beastie BefrienderLegendary Creature 1/1$0.0000
The Wandering RescuerLegendary Creature 3/4$0.0000
Enduring TenacityEnchantment Creature 4/3$0.0000
Nowhere to RunEnchantment$0.0000
ChainsawArtifact $0.0000
Cursed RecordingArtifact$0.0000
Fear of Missing OutEnchantment Creature 2/3$0.0000
Overlord of the HauntwoodsEnchantment Creature 6/5$0.0000
PlainsBasic Land $0.0000
IslandBasic Land $0.0000
SwampBasic Land $0.0000
MountainBasic Land $0.0000
ForestBasic Land $0.0000
Come Back WrongSorcery$0.0000
Come Back WrongSorcery$0.0000
ChainsawArtifact $0.0000
Doomsday ExcruciatorCreature 6/6$0.0000
Screaming NemesisCreature 3/3$0.0000
The Wandering RescuerLegendary Creature 3/4$0.0000
Toby, Beastie BefrienderLegendary Creature 1/1$0.0000
Enduring TenacityEnchantment Creature 4/3$0.0000
Overlord of the HauntwoodsEnchantment Creature 6/5$0.0000
Enduring TenacityEnchantment Creature 4/3$0.0000
Overlord of the HauntwoodsEnchantment Creature 6/5$0.0000
Enduring TenacityEnchantment Creature 4/3$0.0000
Overlord of the HauntwoodsEnchantment Creature 6/5$0.0000
The Wandering RescuerLegendary Creature 3/4$0.0000
Twitching DollArtifact Creature 2/2$0.0000
Showing cards 1 - 29 of 29.