73 Card Expansion Set
By Styro_injeb
Eons old apocalypse time-shifted
Eons ago, an ancient apocalypse drove a sentient species on an unknown plane to near extinction.
Now, no living thing exists on that plane except what the Gravemother permits: empires reduced to cattle for her hive to feast upon when the time calls for it.

In the quest to mend Dominaria's temporal and planar damage, the temporal rift connected to an alternate Dominaria that enabled Phyrexian horrors to cross over into the present day. Freyalise is gone, having given her planeswalker's spark and her life to close that rift, thereby protecting her sanctum of Skyshroud one last time.

But time fractures still plague Dominaria. The damage to the planar fabric at Tolaria was so severe that it couldn't be healed — not in the present day. The heroes seek out the planeswalker Karn, the only being ever to travel through time. To heal Tolaria's rift, Karn uses the full extent of his planeswalking power to enter the rift and return to the past, to the moment before the archwizard Barrin cast a spell that obliterated countless Phyrexians and himself.

Karn succeeds and seals the planar rift before Barrin's actions can rip it open. In that moment, Karn is lost. But in an alternate split of temporal time realities, the rift reappears - only this time emerge a new threat of ancient slivers, perfected though eons of evolution.
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