291 Card Expansion Set
By Ezize
The prime material realm
Terra Primus is the prime material plane, home to many heroes and villains. Shortened to Primus by those who live there. Primus has two moons, Ponita and Merlina. Ponita is the smaller of the two. The current year is 1478 of the 3rd age.

Primus is split into 8 continents: The Northern Wilds, Pyrkaïá, Greater Xandria, Akir'to, Zai'xa, Ha'zrik, Kinho, and the Tundral Wastes
There are 5 Oceans of Primus: The Cryonic Ocean, The Jeweled Ocean, The Merinith Ocean, The Hematic Ocean and The Bukavac Ocean
Love the set and story behind it! Keep it up!
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Lanavander wrote:
6 months ago
Love the set and story behind it! Keep it up!
Thanks man, it was mostly made for use between me and my friends so I'm surpised you took notice lmao,

thanks again for the kind words!
That's a lot of detail! Well done!
anonymous avatar
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