164 Card Expansion Set
By Lord Rumfish
Can you stop the apocalypse?
Veldmar is precariously close to a total collapse of both its environment and its civilization. While the Consortium of Veldmar (formerly a branch of the Infinite Consortium) has run Veldmar into the ground in recent times, the plane is no stranger to exploitation and conflicts that stretch back well over a thousand years. Mysterious ancient war machines made of stone and powered by crystals dot the landscape, some still in working order even after the passage of centuries. Far more common are the junk and debris of recent technology, full of gears and pipes and metal, the rusting remains of a steampunk age.

The gods abandoned Veldmar over a century ago in an event known as the Divine Exodus. Though initially causing societal damage through the abandonment of the churches and the loss of divine magic, the people of Veldmar adapted and found new ways to organize and heal themselves. The most lingering wounds of this event lie with the divine servants of the gods, angels and demons, who have turned to mortals for guidance.

As society falls apart and the environment becomes increasingly hostile, the people of Veldmar have turned against the Consortium despite its lingering grasp on power. Everyone has their own ideas about how to save Veldmar, but few can agree on the best course of action.

The Consortium of Veldmar (white blue black red) has so far been unwilling to change course, endlessly exploiting natural resources and crushing rebellions and uprisings through war. Now their power begins to wane as the entire plane turns against them; can they maintain their tenuous grasp on power, will they be able to change their ways, or is the Consortium doomed to fall to their own hubris?

The Xarnik Collective (white blue green) believes that current technology and magic can resolve the issues of trash and pollution plaguing Veldmar, and the best thing to do is to get to work cleaning up the mess. They are more concerned about the environment than the social issues.

The Nulvir Cult (white black green) has given up on society altogether and believes the best course of action for Veldmar is to bring all of civilization to a grinding halt, burning everything down so something new can rise from the ashes. They are bitter and fatalistic, ready to give their lives to the cause.

The Roka Guild (white red green) believes the world can be saved through artifice, generating an artificial environment and founding a utopia based on integrating nature with machines. Roka Guild is also keen on the idea of challenging the Consortium directly through war, using their mighty constructs and golems.

The Paxdred (blue black green) is a secret saboteur organization that has rapidly come to power in only a couple of years. Almost out of nowhere, people possessing psionic powers began infiltrating every organization, but especially the Consortium. The Paxdred seek to undermine and hollow out the Consortium to the point that they can control it, usurping them for their own nebulous purposes. The source of the Paxdred's psionic power seems to lie with the sinister illithids, an alien race originally from a plane called the Far Realm.

Quelnai College (blue red green) is an old wizard school and research institution in Veldmar that believes the best idea to save Veldmar has not been found yet. Their researchers brainstorm at a blistering pace, seeking an idea that can best solve the problems facing Veldmar. While some spend all their time in libraries and meeting halls, others delve into the ancient ruins of Veldmar to gain knowledge of its history.

The Ulthrak (black red green) formed from a collection of nomadic tribes that developed a philosophy about the survival of the fittest. Able to control or recruit mighty beings to their cause, the Ulthrak believe they must become the apex predators of Veldmar, ousting the Consortium as the most powerful organization. By being the strongest, they will adapt and survive through the changes Veldmar is experiencing.

Now, the world waits with bated breath to see which faction comes out on top, and whether Veldmar can be saved before things get even worse.

Check out my YouTube videos about Wastes of Veldmar:
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