356 Card Expansion Set
By SpeedySoup

Cards By Type

Cards of multiple types count for both types

Colors By Type

Cards of multiple types count for both types

Commons By Type

Cards of multiple types count for both types

Commons by Colors & Type

Cards of multiple types count for both types

Cards By Rarity

Colors by Rarity


Cards By Converted Mana Costs

Colors by Converted Mana Costs

Total Cards By Color

Legends by Color

These are fantastic. By any chance are you going to provide illustrations for the cards that don't have any?
preskang wrote:
8 months ago
These are fantastic. By any chance are you going to provide illustrations for the cards that don't have any?
Thank you! I would love to include art for every card, but unfortunately the Monster Hunter art community is too small for every monster to have good illustrations. But I make do with what I can
SpeedySoup wrote:
8 months ago
preskang wrote:
8 months ago
These are fantastic. By any chance are you going to provide illustrations for the cards that don't have any?
Thank you! I would love to include art for every card, but unfortunately the Monster Hunter art community is too small for every monster to have good illustrations. But I make do with what I can
You've done a fantastic job regardless. I wish this was a real set.
preskang wrote:
8 months ago
SpeedySoup wrote:
8 months ago
preskang wrote:
8 months ago
These are fantastic. By any chance are you going to provide illustrations for the cards that don't have any?
Thank you! I would love to include art for every card, but unfortunately the Monster Hunter art community is too small for every monster to have good illustrations. But I make do with what I can
You've done a fantastic job regardless. I wish this was a real set.
Thank you! That means a lot!
anonymous avatar
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