286 Card Expansion Set
By DireDM
The Story of Ulgrotha Retold
Ulgrotha was a mana rich world full of widely varied life and numerous natural wonders. So bountiful were the plane's laylines and mana sources, that the Tolgath, a group of powerful planeswalkers, established their citadel on it. However, peace could not last, and the Ancients, a rival group as powerful as the Tolgath, assaulted the Tolgath citadel on Ulgrotha, throwing the entire planet into total magical war, the Wizards' War.

The war was so taxing on the mana of Ulgrotha that the Ancients tore open a rift to other planes just to secure mana to fuel their spells. As the war threatened to spill from Ulgrotha into the rest of the multiverse, the Tolgath called Ravi struck the Apocalypse Chime. The magical shockwave put an immediate and decisive end to the Wizards' War, and its aftershocks were felt across the blind eternities as far as Dominaria and Kamigawa. The chime destroyed the natural mana sources of Ulgrotha. The land died as the Dead Zone spread outward from the chime, absorbing everything in its wake, consuming all with colorless fire.

Only the deep sea and the region immediately surrounding the Ancients' rift survived. The rest of Ulgrotha perished in ghostfire. The surviving region became known as the Homelands, and the surviving goblins, orcs, dwarves, humans, and minotaur struggled for many years to rebuild.

A few centuries passed. The vampire lord Baron Sengir usurped the Dwarven colony of New Freedom and established the castle there as the heart of his Dark Barony. He took and turned the Dwarven King's daughter, Irini, into a vampire, driving her mad in the process. Soon after, the Baron discovered a Basalt Spire and a sarcophagus within. Inside, the Tolgath Ravi lay waiting. She had sealed herself within to escape the ruin of the Apocalypse Chime, but with no way to free herself, the centuries of guilt and isolation had devastated her body and mind. With no notion of her former life, the powerful crone is now only known as Grandmother Sengir.

At this same time, the planeswalker Serra arrived in the Homelands. Establishing the new nation of Aysen, Serra strove to bring peace to the fractious infighting common to the Homelands. As Serra took over the role of protector of the Aysen, the people began to worship her as their goddess, establishing holy orders in her name and fighting back against Baron Sengir, the raiders of the Koskun mountains, and the pirates of the Greater Sea, bringing a delicate peace.

As Serra's struggle to bring order to the Homelands grew, another planeswalker, Feroz, arrived. He saw the value of Serra's ideals and worked with her, establishing a wizard school for the dwarves exiled from their former home of New Freedom on the Floating Isle. Their united purpose blossomed into friendship, and in time, Serra and Feroz were wed.

The tenuous peace that Serra and Feroz had fought for was threatened when the jealous planeswalker Taysir of Rabiah followed the native planeswalker Sandruu to Ulgrotha, pursuing him in a fight that devastated the minotaurs of Anaba.

The struggle convinced Feroz of the risk invading planeswalkers posed to the Homelands, and in response, he created a powerful magical seal over the world to prevent any being from summoning creatures to the plane or being able to planeswalk in.

Meanwhile, in the Great Wood, where the folk of An-Havva try to eke out a life apart from the struggle between Serra and the Baron, the powerful magic of Feroz's Ban created new sentience, a great spirit of the wood that soon became known as the Autumn Willow. However, where the Great Wood bordered the corruption of Sengir's dark Barony, another—darker—entity arose. And in the Koskun mountains, the immortal bandit king, Eron, rallies his goblins with ambitions of his own.

It is here... on the edge of war... that the fate of the Homelands hangs in the balance.

*Details from mtg.fandom.com
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