95 Card Commander Deck
The rise of the machines
This (small) set is made for a commander deck with a hyper-modern and digital edge. This deck is all about working with artifacts, tokens and counters. Some cards are fully AI generated(with a bit of careful curating), but most cards are proxies of existing cards. This is to make the deck work better as a whole, and because the AI used to generate cards is mostly useful for creatures, sorceries and instants.
Almost all the art is generated with AI. Instead of crediting me as an artist, I credited the used program. If an image is not created by an algorythm, the creator is credited. New names are generated with ChatGPT, as well as the lore of this set. All used AIs are listed below:

AIs used for building this set:
- Canva, Stable Diffusion, Craiyon (For image generation)
- Urza's AI (For generating cards)
- ChatGPT (For generating names and other text based information)

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