95 Card Commander Deck
The rise of the machines
After Phyrexia was defeated, calm started to settle in the planes. For a while, it seemed as though the multiverse could finally breathe a sigh of relief. The horrors unleashed by Phyrexia had been vanquished, and many planeswalkers began to explore the far reaches of existence, seeking new adventures and mysteries.
But it wasn't long before a new threat, one born of technology and innovation, emerged on the horizon. It started subtly, with rumors of strange artifacts appearing across various planes. These artifacts were unlike anything seen before, made of a mysterious alloy that defied analysis. Some whispered that they were gifts from a brilliant inventor, while others suspected darker forces at play.
Planeswalkers, drawn by curiosity and a sense of duty, began to investigate. They discovered hidden laboratories and workshops in the most remote corners of the multiverse, all seemingly connected to the enigmatic inventor. The artifacts they produced were powerful, enhancing the abilities of those who possessed them. But with power came corruption, as some became obsessed with the newfound technological marvels, forsaking the natural balance of magic and life.

As the threat grew, an alliance of planeswalkers from various planes formed, determined to unravel the mystery of this new menace. They uncovered a network of interconnected worlds, each under the sway of the enigmatic inventor. It became clear that this adversary sought not only power but control over the entire multiverse through the manipulation of technology.
Battles raged across the planes, pitting the combined might of the planeswalkers against armies of mechanical monstrosities and enchanted contraptions. The struggle between nature and technology intensified, threatening to disrupt the delicate balance of the multiverse once more.
In this new era, planeswalkers faced a daunting challenge – to confront an enemy born not of darkness or corruption, but of innovation and progress. The fate of the planes hung in the balance as they fought to protect the essence of magic and preserve the diverse tapestry of existence against the encroaching tide of technological dominance.

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